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#1 digidude

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Posted 3 January 2013 - 16:50

I have been playing with trying to get this plugin working on an openpli 3.0 based image, with no success, well, sort of.

i have all of the .py files, and everything installs, and allows configuration, but, when it then comes to starting the scan, the menu options seem disabled, the remote will not allow you to select them, the only option available is the 'about' screen.

i asked the creators of the plugin about 'fixing' this, as i tried it on numerous receivers, running a few different images, and it will only run properly on their own image. it was then suggested that the skin i was using may have 'missing screens' so using their image, i removed the default skin, installed a skin i normally use, and again it runs fine on their image

in my mind, theres something in the plugin that is dependant on something unique to their image, which is why its not working on pli

i have been given permission to upload the full set of .py files, would anyone be interested in having a look?

(attached unpacks to usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/ )

Attached Files

Edited by digidude, 3 January 2013 - 16:51.

DMM 2x 500s, 2x 7020Si, 600s, 800s, 500HD.

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Re: AutoBouquetsMaker #2 Pale-Rider

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Posted 3 January 2013 - 23:56

Attached File  grab.png   87.75KB   71 downloadsAttached File  grab2.png   88.82KB   86 downloadsAttached File  grab3.png   192KB   82 downloadsAttached File  grab4.png   137.45KB   68 downloadsThere is nothing stopping it from working on a non OE-A image.

I just tried it on one of my Duo's using the BP ( Pli based ) image and it worked flawlessly.

Re: AutoBouquetsMaker #3 Pale-Rider

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Posted 4 January 2013 - 00:17

working fine on the latest pli image too.

Attached Files

Re: AutoBouquetsMaker #4 extrasmooth

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Posted 4 January 2013 - 16:40

I can also confirm that this plugin is working correctly on the latest OpenPLi3 image for the Vu+Duo and I was able to generate UK and Italy bouquets very quickly using it.
It would be nice if the plugin gave the option to also generate the Irish channels in the main regional bouquets as the Lraizer plugin for 28.2E done this by default.

It is a plugin that many OpenPLi users could find very useful.
It would be good if a version of this plugin could be added to the OpenPLi plugin browser to enable more users to experience this plugin for themselves.

Re: AutoBouquetsMaker #5 scruff1963

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Posted 5 January 2013 - 06:58

Do you have dvbsnoop installed on your image ?.
I know lraizers original needed it so assuming this does as well.

Re: AutoBouquetsMaker #6 Pale-Rider

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Posted 5 January 2013 - 09:32

Do you have dvbsnoop installed on your image ?.
I know lraizers original needed it so assuming this does as well.

This plugin is not based or nor does it have any thing in common with LraiZers plugin other than the AutoBouquets part of the name.
That said he is mentioned in the Credits as his idea was used as the initial starting block ( his idea not his code ).

The OE-A ABM ( OE-Alliance AutoBouquetsMaker ) is a totally new plugin written from the ground up in python and C+ and as such it has no dependencies so no it does not require dvbsnoop

Re: AutoBouquetsMaker #7 Rob van der Does

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Posted 5 January 2013 - 09:33

DVB Snoop is not required for this plugin. And ABM has no relation with LraiZer's plugin (apart from the basic idea): it's a completely different code.

Re: AutoBouquetsMaker #8 kaz

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Posted 20 March 2015 - 21:33

I have installed it on my duo2 running pli, First my kasparsky saying there is a scan.generic.tcp network attack. however after installation it will not find anything saying tuner failed. It only gives me sky Italy as providers.

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