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Please read the PLi® Forum Rules before posting in this forum

Although the administrators and moderators of this website and forum will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages.

All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of this forum, nor the developers of this website, will be held responsible for the content of any message.

Signatures & Avatars

We do not have any specific set of rules regarding signatures. However, we do ask you that it will not be offensive to others and the length of signatures will not exceed 500x100 pixels. If you desire to have a custom avatar, it must be 100x100 pixels or less. Adult, drug related or racist content is stricted prohibited on our board!


Please remember that, altough we kindly ask you to register as a member, this website hosts PUBLIC forums. There are 12 year olds here just as there are 65 year olds. Nudity and porn is prohibited for obvious reasons.

Impersonating Other Users / Accessing Another User's Account

You may not impersonate another member or create an account specifically for the purpose of provoking other users. Also, accessing or using someone else's account or attempting to access another poster's account is strictly prohibited. You will be banned!.

Copyrighted Material

All members of this website agree not to post any material that is protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner(s) of said copyright, trademark or other proprietary right. Especially portraying such work as your own. This is otherwise known as, "RIPPING". Rippers are not permitted here, and if you are caught stealing others work you will be banned. No warnings!

By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

All information & downloads posted on this site are purely for educational use only.

Non-official hardware (aka "clones")

The popularity of the dreambox has spawned an entire world of counterfeit hardware, either complete copies or "functional equivalent" hardware. These boxes are referred to as "clones", and are often of inferior quality.

The PLi team develops and tests only on genuine manufacturer hardware, we can therefore not provide any warranty towards our software when used on other than genuine hardware.


We also point out that it is illegal to view any PAY TV channels without paying any subscription charges.

The aim of this website is to be a free discussionboard for satellite hobbyists in general, and users of the PLi® dreambox software in particular, which can discuss on this board concerning their hobby, and engage in discussions with the members of the PLi® development team. Our aim is not to provide people resources, information or programmes to look for free to TV pay providers without their own proper subscribtion.

General Responsibilities

Every member is responsible for his own actions on this board:
[list][*]Placing keys, files including keys or asking for keys, cardsharing-, and/or a cardspider server is stricted prohibited in our forums![*]non-public program uploading, hosting, serving or discussions on these website is strictly prohibited (an example of such a violation is the non-public emu Gbox!)[*]Posting/Requesting of cardshareservers on our forums is strictly prohibited[*]LAN cardshare discussions are fine but WAN cardserver offers, requests or discussions on our forums is strictly prohibited[*]Don't post direct links on the board to commercial sites like an online shop. They will be removed at once. P.S. a manufacturer site is not commercial, unless their website sells directly to consumers.[*]Make sure you post in the right forum, don't post your topic twice or more in different (sub)forums[*]Use a proper subject in the topic, not just "Problem" for example[*]No namecalling or shouting on the board, respect each other[*]Use PM (PM = Private Message ) to communicate personal things on the board, not via the forums. But no "You got a PM" replies in the forums, the boardsoftware will let you know when you have one[*]Do not post gossip or rumors, only validated news....[/list]The owners of this domain are in no way responsible for any information stored here. We in no way condone any illegal practices or the sale of illegal goods. This forum is treated as a hobby board NOT a business one and all information shared here is to enhance each members educational understanding.

When a members posts a message on this board, his or her rights are forfeited. The owners of this forum reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.

Spam and Advertising
[list][*] No commercial advertising without prior permission from the
PLi® website administrator. The webmaster is reachable via PM.[*]No advertising or direct links of other forums.[*]All advertisers must be a registered sponsor of the PLi® team.[/list]
Thanks for reading and understanding,
The PLi-images.org development team
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