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Xmltv-importer and deep sleep

Fredd_1001's Photo Fredd_1001 4 May 2010


I know it is possibible to wake up my VU+ form deep sleep with the xmltv-importer plugin.
But is it allso possible to go into deep sleep again after the import?

The only choice is skip or wakeup for egp import.

rytec's Photo rytec 5 May 2010

test it out, unfortunately I can't test it because my box is older then the RTC new versions. It is good to know what happens.

Fredd_1001's Photo Fredd_1001 5 May 2010

Checked it allready.
Wake up works, but the box doesn't go to sleep automaticly, that is not so nice.
Is there a way to let it go to sleep automaticly?