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's foto swiffer 25 dec 2010

Is it possible to add hypercam to the available softcam extensions of the openPli image ?

As hypercam manages well the csat right update, this softcam is very appreciated by french people.

I am a newcomer in linux box world. I succeeded to install the 2.11 version by hand and it works fine on my new ET9000 receiver. I think it would be great to be able to do this by the extension as for CCCam and other softcams.

's foto swiffer 28 dec 2010

Clarke-tech ET9000, openpli v2.0 beta 28/12/2010 + driver 27/12/2010
no more hypercam possible in v2.0.... I got a error when I launch it : "error when loading shared libraries : libcrypto.so"


's foto malakudi 28 dec 2010

Clarke-tech ET9000, openpli v2.0 beta 28/12/2010 + driver 27/12/2010
no more hypercam possible in v2.0.... I got a error when I launch it : "error when loading shared libraries : libcrypto.so"

I answered this on the other thread. Go to console and type:

cd /usr/lib
ln -sf libcrypto.so.0.9.8 libcrypto.so

and it should work.

's foto MiLo 28 dec 2010

Or just update tomorrow, bug in the libcrypto recipe has been fixed.

's foto swiffer 28 dec 2010

thanks a lot. The first proposal does not solve my problem.
I think new drivers (27/12/2010) will be added to the next delivery of ET9000, too.
If it is the case, I will download the image, flash it and re-test hypercam tomorrow.

's foto OldDeuteronomy 28 dec 2010

You don't need to reflash the box. Just perform a softwareupdate from within the menu. Updates are released every night/morning, so if you do it tomorrow, the update should include the new drivers.

Alternatively, you could also download the new drivers and install them manually.

's foto swiffer 28 dec 2010

thanks. I discover this solution yesterday, but as I was previously with the latest v1.0 image when I tried it, none new version was found. And I think this functionality is available for version x, not to go to version x+1.

So tomorrow, I will test it for the first time.
The driver are already installed by hand on 28/12/2010 v2.0 version.
And if this does not work, a USB flash is not very time costly when you are on holidays.Posted Image

's foto scope34 28 dec 2010


this recipe should also ensure further compatibility to older OE1.5 Builds:

DESCRIPTION = "Dreambox compatibility links"
SECTION = "base"
PRIORITY = "required"
MAINTAINER = "Felix Domke <[mail]tmbinc@elitedvb.net[/mail]>"
PV = "1.0"
PR = "r0"
FILES = "/lib/libgcc_s_nof.so.1 /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.7 /usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.7"
do_install() {
install -d ${D}/lib
ln -sf libgcc_s.so.1 ${D}/lib/libgcc_s_nof.so.1
install -d ${D}/usr/lib
ln -sf libcrypto.so.0.9.8 ${D}/usr/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.7
ln -sf libssl.so.0.9.8 ${D}/usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.7
ln -sf libpython2.6.so.1.0 ${D}/usr/lib/libpython2.5.so.1.0

's foto pieterg 28 dec 2010

we prefer to fix things where things are broken, instead of creating new packages with workarounds ;)

's foto swiffer 29 dec 2010

update to v2.0 beta 29/12/2010.
New driver are well installed.

But for hypercam I still have the same error when I try to launch it : "error while loading shared libraries : libcrypto.so

's foto hemertje 29 dec 2010

please post changelogs and files here as an attachment

's foto swiffer 29 dec 2010

hemertje, I am a beginner in LinuxBox world. So if you can give a little bit more details on the log and file you want I upload, I will appreciate.

I do a find 'log" or "*.log" and this gives me too much solutions.Posted Image

's foto hemertje 29 dec 2010

oops, my fault!

i read that there where new drivers, instead that you used our beta from today ;)