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Andy's Photo Andy 31 Dec 2006

Hi There,

I have been using Pli images for a while now - (why - they just work!)

however I thought I would finally try and get something running that I cant currently get running - EPG. - I am using the intenal one with the compressed live image (love that) - but cant get anything other than now or next. i setup the skyuk option in mv, that doesnt do much either (am unable to set aliases in mv)

have on my yellow button download epg and epg config (uses radio times) now these do download bits, but still dont seem to put anything into the epg.

I have tried sqlite and normal - both to no avail.

any ideas greatly received.

WanWizard's Photo WanWizard 1 Jan 2007

Hi Andy,

Best Wishes for 2007 from your PLi Team!

Don't use MV. Set the EPG to SQlite, and download the EPG Plugin and Cron.

Make sure cron runs, then start the plugin, and select 'Radiotimes' from the dropdown box. Set the number of days desired, check the 'Cron' box, and choose a time to have cron pick up the EPG data.

Press yellow to retreive the channel info from Radiotimes, then press green to map the channels to the ones in your bouquet (MV style).

Press blue when you're finished.

This should do the trick.


p.s. We're working on a EPG FAQ. As soon as it's finished, it will be published on this website.

Andy's Photo Andy 1 Jan 2007


Thankyou and happy new year!

I had done the majority however my sqlite db setting didnt appear to be saved, went back in - had some data, remapped the channels - now got loads of data !!!

Thankyou very much,.
