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uk cable epg on dm800se doesn't work

's foto delboy13 13 nov 2012

im using openpli 2.1 dm800se on uk cable i have read up and this has been an issue for a while but the epg does not populate on dm500 with pli there is no problem. epg will show for channel you are on and maybe others on same transponder was a fix ever found. otherwise i have been told use xmltvimport and change service numbers for rytec uk

's foto delboy13 24 sep 2013

i know i posted this long time ago but someone has said need to recode image to work with Tivo datastream to get epg working does anyone have any info on this?


's foto delboy13 14 nov 2013

been told ideally you should be looking to create a new reader in epgcache.cpp specifically for uk cable 0x2bc and leave the 0x12 reader as is, but you can just change the mask settings on 0x12 to test the PVR_EPG channel works.
