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streaming blue screen on bad signal

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#1 rabihm

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Geplaatst op 10 januari 2013 - 11:42

Hi all...
Is there an option to force the set top box to stream of a blue screen(over network) in case there is a signal interruption?

In fact, I have a system that record 24/24 (1 file per hour) and when facing a signal interruption, then the stream is cut, and my recording is blocked.
I'm using python in this way:

il_mpegts_fd = urlopen("", timeout=2)
ibin_block = il_mpegts_fd.read(il_block_sz)
il_dest_fd = open(ls_dest_dirname_and_filename, "a+wb")

Now I can handle this interruption, but at the end, my "1 hour" recording file, have a duration less than 1 hour, and what I need is to always have a 1 hour recording files.

Thanks in advance for any hint or help


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