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Movie content (IMDB info) movie player

's foto Tvile 12 jan 2013

Hi all

I'm new to this forum so bare with me, infact I'm new to the whole Vuduo Openpli scene.

My question or problem is that I have my NAS attached to my Vuduo running OpenPli. On the NAS I have a few movies/series, but as the are old and I get new movies I forget what the are about, and who in it and so on. (IMDB data)

It there a plugin so at it works like XBMC or PLEX? Showing movie details as I scroll amongst them?

I have read that XBMC wont work on the Vuduo, but is there anything else that would help?

Thx for any help coming in, and sorry if I posted it in the wrong forum.


's foto Tvile 22 mrt 2013

And no one had any ideas about this?

What are you people using as content for you mediaplayer?


's foto betacentauri 22 mrt 2013

You could look at this:
Perhaps you'll need to create an account on the website. And I'm not 100% sure if it works with vu+...

's foto Tvile 23 mrt 2013

Hi beta

I'll look into that later tonight, thx for link