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Dynamically change screen title text

jimux's Photo jimux 15 Mar 2013

Enigma2 has a nice method to use the text of a variable in the title bar of a screen within a class but the value seems to be provided at run time and cannot be subsequently changed. In my example below I have a global variable which is changed a number of times before the class containing the screen is called. But the value provided is that set at the module level, regardless of change.

Is there a method to force a change as and when required?

skin = """
<screen position="center,center" size=\"""" + str(wsize) + "," + str(hsize) + """\" title=" Some fixed text plus %s" >
<widget name="myMenu" position="10,10" size="500,350" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" />
</screen>""" % Variablename
