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I search compiled dnsmasq fo dreambox HD p...

STUDI's Photo STUDI 18 Jun 2013

I configured my Dreambox 800HDse (china clone with sim A8P) for additional funtionality:


- modem 3G on USB stick as gateway interface to internet (ppp + xModem)

- memory card microSD in modem 3G as extension for flash (FlashExpander)

- ip forwarding + masquerade for two interfaces: wlan0 and eth0  - no bridging   (iptables)

- wlan0 with ad-hoc mode


All above tested with OpenPLi 3.0 and OE 3.2 images - Merlin 3 and DMM OE 2.0.


I has not found dhcp server for dreambox HD platform. Good solution is dnsmasq.

If somebody could compile dnsmasq for dreambox HD platform?







STUDI's Photo STUDI 18 Jun 2013

I find binary pakcages .deb for miplselk platfrom from Debian Wheeze repository. Binaries runs on dreambox.


I downloaded .deb files:


http://packages.debi...e/net/dnsmasq   -> all

http://packages.debi.../dnsmasq-utils  -> mipsel
http://packages.debi...y/dnsmasq-base  -> mipsel
* http://packages.debi...wheezy/libidn11 -> mipsel
* http://packages.debi...y/libnfnetlink0 -> miplsel
* http://packages.debi...lter-conntrack3 -> miplsel


I unplack fhese debian packages on windows with 7-zip.

I send files:

dnsmasq -> /usr/sbin

dhcp_release -> /usr/sbin

dhcp_lease_time -> /usr/sbin


libnetfilter_conntrack.so.3.3.0  -> /usr/lib

libfnetlink.so.0.2.0  -> /usr/lib

libidn.so.11.6.8 -> /usr/lib


set attribute to binaries

cd /usr/sbin

chmod 755 dnsmasq

chmod 755 dhcp_release

chmod 755 dhcp_lease_time


configuring libs:

cd /usr/lib

chmod 755 libnetfilter_conntrack.so.3.3.0
ln -s ./libnetfilter_conntrack.so.3.3.0 ./libnetfilter_conntrack.so.3
chmod 755 libfnetlink.so.0.2.0
ln -s. /libfnetlink.so.0.2.0 ./libnfnetlink.so.0
chmod 755 libidn.so.11.6.8
ln -s ./libidn.so.11.6.8 ./libidn.so.11


Config template files and init.d scripts in dnsmasq palcage.
