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Key problems with kernel 3.8.7

's foto DRAGO.NET 8 jul 2013

I updated the firmware with the latest kernel ...

Just part of the wizard I find I have a problem ...

the up-down-left-right are doubled if pressed ...
Let me explain, if I have to go down a "step" to select something, the down button gets me out of 2 steps at a time and not in one step.

I tried to reflash but with the same result ...
how to solve?


's foto pieterg 8 jul 2013

menu->setup->system->input devices->dreambox advanced remote control->change repeat and delay settings-->yes


and then increase the initial delay to a value which suits your stubby vingers ;)


's foto DRAGO.NET 8 jul 2013

menu->setup->system->input devices->dreambox advanced remote control->change repeat and delay settings-->yes


and then increase the initial delay to a value which suits your stubby vingers ;)



