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How to add an own application

's foto popeye2 8 nov 2013


I want to add some own utilities to build my own image.

E.G. at first I want to add midnight commander as well as some dvb tools (dvbsnoop, szap, ...). So really low level stuff. I already succeeded recompiling/building the original nfi image.

Thanks for any hints, where I can find above sources (that`s easy), Makefiles (should be in src?), recipes for packaging,  etc.





's foto mirakels 8 nov 2013

when you just build to tool you want you can just copy the created ipk to your box.


Otherwise read the openembedded documentation. There is lots of info on how to add applications to a image build.

Google is your friend here.


's foto popeye2 8 nov 2013

ok thanks.

I just had a look to the sources and recipes included in openPli.

So my wanted applications have recipes and sources loaded, but recipes do not have compilation included. Is this the step to continue to add the compilatrion /linking steps into the recipes?


's foto pieterg 8 nov 2013

Add them to the IMAGE_INSTALL variable of your image recipe.

's foto popeye2 11 nov 2013

ok, found that variable.

How can I include $ENIGMA2_OPTIONAL files (e.g "mc" is listed in that variable in the openpli-image recipe, but what is the switch to activate optional builts (put sth. to local.conf??), ie. when are these builts included)? Vuplus original image has these optional packages  included, OpenPLI not.

Sorry for my beginner's boring questions...


's foto blzr 11 nov 2013

take a look into the meta-local dir, you may find things there interesting I suppose...


's foto popeye2 18 nov 2013

I do not have a meta-local dir in my local environment  . Was it removed in the past from Makefile 2.1 and/or recipes?


's foto blzr 18 nov 2013

hmm, actually it was never there (in an obsolete 2.1)...
I (wrongly) assumed you're trying to build something more recent (3.0/4)

's foto popeye2 18 nov 2013

Could it be that I'm riding a dead horse because I started from here?



Where can I find Makefile for openpli 3.0 or 4.0?


Veranderd door popeye2, 18 november 2013 - 14:14

's foto blzr 18 nov 2013

just clone the repo, e.g. for openpli4:
git clone -b upstream git://git.code.sf.net/p/openpli/openpli-oe-core
Makefile is already there...