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Mediaplayer codec

's foto maveric 17 feb 2015

Since last update (this morning) media player is missing codec for some format and no sound on MKV


Tested VU+ Duo


's foto christophecvr 5 mrt 2015

Yes unfortunately vu series only runs ok with pli version below 15 feb 2015. The whole vu series are screwed for media playing since this last openembedded upgrade.


The reason has nothing to do with vu self and or drivers. Vu always needed software codecs for some audio streams. That worked perfect untill last openembedded upgrade.


A very severe bug is introduced into openembedded on 29-01-2015 and now openpli is using an openembedded-core version with that severe bug.


That bug is just making software codecs unusable .


's foto athoik 5 mrt 2015

What is the severe bug?
