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channels in channel selection

's foto kayzo 15 jan 2018


Is it possible to reduce the number of channels per page of the bouquet?

For example, when I select a bouquet, there are 17 channels.
I would like to put only 10 channels per page, increase the text and size of the picons.

Thank you for your help and sorry for my English, I am French.


's foto WanWizard 15 jan 2018

In the standard channel list not, that is a feature of the skin. In the MPEG you can define the font size (and with that the number of visible channels) in its menu.


's foto kayzo 15 jan 2018

In the standard channel list not, that is a feature of the skin. In the MPEG you can define the font size (and with that the number of visible channels) in its menu.




's foto WanWizard 15 jan 2018

Sorry GMEPG, Graphical Multi EPG. By default under the EPG button, but if you have something else, it might be under the red button, or under red-long.

See https://www.sat4all....-1471111654.jpg