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I'm looking for a module for SQL remot...

's foto s3n0 11 mei 2018

Hello everyone.

I am looking for a module designed for SQL remote access. Python-2.7 under Enigma-2 incorporates only sqlite3 for access to a local database (to a file), but not for remote access to SQL servers on the Internet.

Does anyone know any suitable SQL module that also communicates with remote SQL database servers? It could also be one of the simple modules supported by the basic DB-API 2.0 standard.

Does anyone know any examples of python code for such an external SQL module? So far I have found only some "mysql-connector-python-2.0.4" where even automatic installation (Enigma2 / Python2.7) works. So far I test this module, but it behaves strangely.

Thanks to all your tips, ideas, suggestions, links.

