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e2m3u2bouquet plugin

's foto zigzag 26 jun 2018

Hi, we would really appreciate some help with an issue we are having using the

e2m3u2bouquet plugin.


This plugin is installed and can be used without any issues with the OpenVix image

but we are unable to use it with OpenPli - our preferred image.


The issue is, after manually installing the 0.6.3 version of the plugin which is a whole lot easier for us

to use, we add our provider, username/password as required then select 'run' to update channels

but at this point nothing happens at all. All details entered are correct yet the update doesn't begin

so no channels/bouquets for iptv are imported at all.


We install the 0.6.3 version as we have no knowledge of how to use the script in the new version available

in 'downloads'. 


It really would be so helpful if the 0.6.3 version could be made available as well as the latest version as it works

in a so much easier way to add provider details than the current version, if you do not have more 'expert' knowledge.


The receiver is an Xtrend 9200.


As i have mentioned, this plugin works without any issues in OpenVix but we really would like to use OpenPli if

we could get this plugin to work.


Any help would be very much appreciated.



's foto zigzag 27 jun 2018

So nobody at OpenPli can offer any help with this issue at all?


's foto WanWizard 27 jun 2018

Contact the author of the plugin, and have him fix the incompatibility. If the source is published, we can then include it in the feed (if it doesn't do anything illegal).


's foto Pr2 27 jun 2018

This is probably a missing python package used by the plugin and installed by default in OpenVix but not in OpenPLi.

But since the package creator doesn't create a depency for this package it is not automatically installed.


Here are the missing packages:


opkg update
opkg install python-image python-imaging python-argparse


This was described on the source of the plugin (so yes it is an opensource plugin).






's foto WanWizard 27 jun 2018

It doesn't look like a plugin. It looks like a commandline tool to convert m3u files to a bouquet file.


I had a quick peek in the encoded providers file, and it looks to me like a list of illegal IPTV providers, so I don't think we're going to add it. ;)


's foto zigzag 27 jun 2018

It doesn't look like a plugin. It looks like a commandline tool to convert m3u files to a bouquet file.


I had a quick peek in the encoded providers file, and it looks to me like a list of illegal IPTV providers, so I don't think we're going to add it. ;)

really?..yet you DO have the latest version already available for install in Downloads? 


's foto WanWizard 28 jun 2018

Where exactly, how is it called? I can't find it:

root@et10000:~# opkg list | grep bouquet
enigma2-plugin-extensions-autobouquets - 1.0+git127+38eb091-r2.0
enigma2-plugin-extensions-mosaicbouquet - 1.0
enigma2-plugin-extensions-refreshbouquet - 2.0+git62+45832c7-r0.0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-autobouquetsmaker - 2.1+git467+62459f9-r2.0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-autobouquetsmaker-po - 2.1+git467+62459f9-r2.0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-autobouquetsmaker-src - 2.1+git467+62459f9-r2.0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-bouquetsprotection - 0.5

's foto zigzag 28 jun 2018

I've reverted back to using OpenVix where this works perfectly so i cannot check again but it was

located in Downloads/Extensions as e2m3u2bouquet 0.7.3 (or maybe 0.7.4). 


It's exactly the same plugin only the newer version you have whereas i don't know how to use the new version

so use an older version. 


's foto WanWizard 28 jun 2018

I double checked, it is definitely NOT in our feed. And given the content, it will never be, our position is simple: buy a subcription.


's foto jpuigs 28 jun 2018

I had a quick peek in the encoded providers file, and it looks to me like a list of illegal IPTV providers, so I don't think we're going to add it. ;)


I have checked the base64 erncoded file and it has a list of IPTV providers, but there are no usernames and passwords, so you can't do anything illegal with this file.


's foto WanWizard 28 jun 2018

Correct, but it sole purpose is to watch illegal IPTV, just check a few of the providers listed, they all offer traditional TV channels over IPTV.


's foto pcd 28 jun 2018

Which iptv types are legal ? How does one determine if the supplier is licenced ?


's foto WanWizard 28 jun 2018

The ones supplied by an official provider. And I've still have to see the first one that allows access to it's IPTV channels using an Enigma or Kodi box.


The quick check I did was simple: see if they offer a SKY UK channel. If so, it is 100% illegal. And all do.


's foto dsayers2016 30 jun 2018

Latest version doesn't support providers, you add the config yourself so any m3u file can be used.

's foto Erik Slagter 6 jul 2018

Which iptv types are legal ? How does one determine if the supplier is licenced ?

The law (in any case Dutch law) says: "use your common sense". If all parties sell subcriptions for 20 euro's a month and then you get an offer for only 5 euro's a month, you CAN know it's illegal and you're liable, no excuse.


Besides that, no legal party will supply IPtv to open receivers, as already once explained by WanWizard, because they can't control illegal sharing then.


's foto easydone 10 jun 2021

Hallo, wilde e2m3u2bouquet gebruiken om regelmatig de bouquetten te updaten met nieuwe links (denk hierbij aan de streaming bouquetten die in de Hans-settings staan), betreft voornamelijk lokale en regionale omroepen.

e2m3u2bouquet is daar een perfecte plugin voor. Hoop dat jullie je standpunt heroverwegen (als je alles gaat weren dat ook onwettelijk gebruikt kan worden dan kan er nog veel verboden worden).

Veranderd door Frenske, 10 juni 2021 - 13:40
Please only post in English so our international members will be able to respond on your ‘request’.

's foto FRAP 10 jun 2021

Hallo, wilde e2m3u2bouquet gebruiken om regelmatig de bouquetten te updaten met nieuwe links (denk hierbij aan de streaming bouquetten die in de Hans-settings staan), betreft voornamelijk lokale en regionale omroepen.

e2m3u2bouquet is daar een perfecte plugin voor. Hoop dat jullie je standpunt heroverwegen (als je alles gaat weren dat ook onwettelijk gebruikt kan worden dan kan er nog veel verboden worden).

e2m3u2bouquet is not a perfect plugin. You don't have much information about it. Why should it be in a box with lots of python files? All the more so, it needs certain libraries to work. Plus there must be additional windows (this should be handled by the skinner) From my perspective, this software increases the mental capacity of the AUTHOR! But practically it is not needed in the box. I use a regular laptop and a portable program from Sayyid for this
PS The software will do the job without any dust or noise. :)

's foto easydone 10 jun 2021

if there's other software that does what i want, that's fine too.

what e2m3u2bouquet does for me is:

- makes the bouquets (from a link to a m3u file)

- updates the bouquets every x day's without further user interference. 


's foto kalehrl 11 jun 2021

You don't actually need the whole plugin, just e2m3u2bouquet.py which you can start from the terminal.


's foto littlesat 11 jun 2021

Plugin needs revision… os.system on many places instead of using eConsole…
Veranderd door littlesat, 11 juni 2021 - 15:37