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Remote debug

's foto EnoSat 10 mrt 2019


now test in syslog-startup.conf

DESTINATION=remote		# log destinations (buffer file remote)
LOGFILE=/var/log/messages	# where to log (file)
REMOTE=		# where to log (syslog remote)
REDUCE=no			# reduce-size logging
DROPDUPLICATES=no		# whether to drop duplicate log entries
#ROTATESIZE=0			# rotate log if grown beyond X [kByte]
#ROTATEGENS=3			# keep X generations of rotated logs
BUFFERSIZE=64			# size of circular buffer [kByte]
FOREGROUND=no			# run in foreground (don't use!)
#LOGLEVEL=5			# local log level (between 1 and 8) 

but on PC none data.

known some idea or fix ?

