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Wi-Fi setup with WPS from router

's foto WTE 25 jun 2019

it seems wifi with WPS is working fine by me but it's not implement in Enigma2. Are their known issues or with newer openembedded it just start to work?

I do as follow this actually easy steps:


step1: Adjust /etc/wpa_supplicant.wlan0.conf



step2 by telnet/putty command:

wpa_cli wps_pbc



press router WPS button within 2 minutes


step4 your wifi settings (SSID and password) should been found. Just for check if it's ok: /etc/wpa_supplicant.wlan0.conf



        pairwise=CCMP GCMP
        group=CCMP GCMP TKIP

Veranderd door WTE, 25 juni 2019 - 16:31

's foto littlesat 25 jun 2019

Nice... when it works....:) I can look into this as soon I’ve time by adding it to the ui.
Veranderd door littlesat, 25 juni 2019 - 17:26

's foto WanWizard 25 jun 2019

In the current develop:

wpa_cli wps_pbc
Failed to connect to non-global ctrl_ifname: (nil)  error: Success

I don't immediately see why it shouldn't work.


And indeed, if we can make it work, it needs a GUI option, you can't ask the average enduser to use the commandline.


's foto littlesat 25 jun 2019

In ui option WPS yes no... default to yes and when you select no you get the manual options? Change the config... ePopen the command... show press wps button on server and when done show the results... or add a color button for WPS... and then autofill.
Veranderd door littlesat, 25 juni 2019 - 17:29

's foto WanWizard 25 jun 2019

It requires a bit more.


By default wpa_supplicant isn't started, and the interface is down as well. And in the adapter settings you can't enable the interface without configuring it, so that needs to change in the code too.


And even if you enable the interface, wpa_supplicant is nowhere to be seen, it isn't started on my box at all (i.e. it is not running when the wlan interface is up).


's foto littlesat 25 jun 2019

My Idea was do it when there is no Network and then use the result to fill on the test...

's foto WTE 25 jun 2019

In ui option WPS yes no... default to yes and when you select no you get the manual options? Change the config... ePopen the command... show press wps button on server and when done show the results... or add a color button for WPS... and then autofill.


Just an idea for UI:
When wlan* device is found you have now the options:

Adapter Settings

Nameserver settings


Scan wireless networks

Show WLAN status


I prefer extra option:
Setup connection by WPS


When select WPS I think you must been informed that you must press within 2 minutes the WPS button on your router and Show WLAN status window. As a connection is made this will been update and you see the speed and quality.


In first installation maybe an option when wlan* is found option to activate WPS for quick installation.

Veranderd door WTE, 25 juni 2019 - 18:25

's foto littlesat 25 jun 2019

And now it is all about time :)
Veranderd door littlesat, 25 juni 2019 - 18:58

's foto WTE 25 jun 2019

Made a factory reset for the missing parts which was already loaded in the image (/etc/network/interfaces is not reset)


(If iface is wlan0)


The first time you need to make /etc/wpa_supplicant.wlan0.conf

I think when activate WPS that wpa_supplicant.wlan0.conf it should always been set with follow 3 lines

#WPA Supplicant Configuration by enigma2



(otherwise I get more network={ in wpa_supplicant.wlan0.conf


Activate the adapter wlan0: (/etc/network/interfaces)

wpa_supplicant -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.wlan0.conf -B -Dnl80211,wext

Then you can try connection with WPS

wpa_cli wps_pbc


Activate wlan0 is already available in E2 but the question is if only add update_config=1 is enough which seems cause in the wpa_supplicant.wlan0.conf file some cosmetic pointers but it still works.



And now it is all about time :)


I know time is everything. I know to less from programming that's why I report it here. I think it's a nice feature for easy setup wifi so I hope in next weeks someone can find some time for it. ;)


's foto littlesat 22 jul 2019

I tried but sory somehow I cannot get this working. In short this means I cannot build the UI... :( I tried on ultiomo4K where wlan was device wlan3 and multibox....


root@vuultimo4k:~# wpa_cli wps_pbc
Selected interface 'wlan3'
root@vuultimo4k:~# cat /etc/wpa_supplicant.wlan3.conf
#WPA Supplicant Configuration by enigma2
root@vuultimo4k:~# cat /etc/wpa_supplicant.wlan0.conf

Veranderd door littlesat, 22 juli 2019 - 18:36

's foto WanWizard 22 jul 2019

What doesn't work? Did you press the WPS key after you started the cli?


What did you expect to find in that conf file? That is not where the wifi config lives?


What is in /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf? And in /etc/wl.conf.wlan3?


's foto littlesat 22 jul 2019

Ik I will check later...
Sounds the ok message was already good ???

's foto littlesat 23 jul 2019

Ik krijg het simpelweg niet voorelkaar... dus dat wordt lastig een UI ervoor maken... :(


's foto littlesat 23 jul 2019

Misschien moet ik een andere box pakken. De multiboot blijkt geen WiFi te hebben en ik krijg het niet op de wlan3 (why the f#ck 3?) op een vu+Ultimo werkend...

's foto WanWizard 23 jul 2019

WPS is a function of the wpa_supplicant, it is not related to the hardware. The only thing it does is to get the SSID and the password/passphrase from the WPS broadcast packet and configure the interface with it.


I have no problem looking into it, when it gets a bit cooler...  ;)

Veranderd door WanWizard, 23 juli 2019 - 18:50

's foto littlesat 24 jul 2019

Het issue is dat ik het eerst moet begrijpen voordat ik ueberhaupt een UI (=python code voor wizard + menu) kan maken...

VU+ draait helaas op een stokoude kernel enz... dus ergens kan ik me voorstellen dat het daar niet op werkt en mijn 'ontwikkelbox' is nu de multibox die heeft blijkbaar geen WiFi

Veranderd door littlesat, 24 juli 2019 - 08:20