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Network shares dissapear after NAS goes of...

Taykun345's Photo Taykun345 5 Sep 2019



as I wrote in title. If something happens to NAS, my box looses all network shares and I need to go into settings and select "re-add share in background". Why do I need to do this manually or do I have some missing config somewhere?

For me lets say this is not a problem but it is annoying. Other family members dont know how to do this of course.




WanWizard's Photo WanWizard 5 Sep 2019

I never had mounts magically disappear, they are all still there after a restart of the NAS. Obviously, if you (re)start the box while the NAS is offline, the mounts won't be there.


Mounts are designed for servers, which are never supposed to be offline, if you want mounts to be made on the fly, you have to use autofs to make your mounts.
