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total tv 16 east eit epg multiple language...

's foto shilev 28 mrt 2020

hello, this provider has epg in croatian, serbian, slovenian and macedonian language.

it gets all mixed up, for example hbo has one movie in croatian epg, another in slovenian, another in macedonian..


is there any possibility for such channels with multiple eit epg to get only one language in enigma2?


's foto WanWizard 28 mrt 2020

Have you configured your language preferences?


's foto shilev 28 mrt 2020

sure, im on english. but i also tried serbian or croatian. same thing on all 3 languages. epg is mixed with all 4 main ex yugoslavia languages


's foto WanWizard 28 mrt 2020

I am not talking about the interface, I am talking about the EPG language.


If you don't specify your preferences, or your prefererences are not available, you get whatever is first in the list. So you really need to specify for example "croation first, english second" to make sure that you get croatian when available.


Like so:

Bijlage  1_0_19_1B1D_802_2_11A0000_0_0_0_20200328141758.jpg   104,78K   3 Aantal bijlagen

( I want English first if available, if not, give me whatever is default )


's foto shilev 28 mrt 2020

That's it, thanks a lot!

's foto WanWizard 28 mrt 2020

