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DM500 recordinig on HDD mount

's foto ronlkh 5 okt 2008

I use record TV program using DM500 with HDD mounting but the quality is always jerking and jittering Is it due to PC or network link problem? Anyone has good suggestion? Playback using movie player or in file mode seems ok


's foto dAF2000 5 okt 2008

The DM500 has a really bad network and cannot handle high bitrates. You could try to change the rsize and wsize in the mount (double the value, or half the value, 4096, 8192 etc).

's foto EdSat 5 okt 2008

I had the same problem but appears to be solved by

1. Mount and move VAR to harddisk drive on my DM7020S (or my Windows XP Pro computer).


2. Changing mount options using maximum rsize and wsize, and check off sync, soft, nolock, rw, and intr and uncheck LinuxExt in mount options.

I don't know what all these options do as I haven't found an explanation for each in the WIKI but the result is positive.

's foto ronlkh 6 okt 2008

I tested changing the rsize and wsize but it doesnt help much