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DM500s PVR w/o PC PLI Jade Green

's foto jyapgr 6 okt 2008

Hello friends ,

I have create this guide due to convert my DM500s to PVR without the existent of a PC.
You can also move Easily the Var Folder thanks to PLI image . I have include a network fix too.
It is my 1st post here so if i am in wrong section the moderator i hope to fix it .

Congratulation for the Greatest Image ......!!!

Greetings from GREECE.

JyapGRGeplaatste afbeelding


's foto ronlkh 7 okt 2008

I have made modification on my DM500C and I dont see any improvement.

's foto Pitango 8 okt 2008

I used the instruction, and it works fine. I get very good recording video quality.
I have only one question: How can I manage the media/hdd directory w/o PC? Especially how can I delete the stored Movies?

's foto jyapgr 9 okt 2008

I used the instruction, and it works fine. I get very good recording video quality.
I have only one question: How can I manage the media/hdd directory w/o PC? Especially how can I delete the stored Movies?

Hello friend ,

Is this a tricky question ? lol ...../images/smiley/grin.gif

Ok as the guide describes the purpose is FUN and PVR . You can not
edit or transfer files without pc . You can record , play , or delete a file with
tuxbox .

Thanks for your time....


P.S. I think only you have try my guide ....what ever ..../images/smiley/sad.gif

's foto metoo 9 okt 2008

I used the instruction, and it works fine. I get very good recording video quality.
I have only one question: How can I manage the media/hdd directory w/o PC? Especially how can I delete the stored Movies?

when you see the movielist on your tv, push the menu button and you can delete a movie

's foto riadmelb 9 okt 2008

Hi, will we be able to use timeshift in this method? Can we have timeshift always ON?

Thanks for the guide.

's foto hemispherical1 10 okt 2008

I think the 500 (non-plus) only has 1 demux and can only handle 1 service at a time at a time. You may have noticed that a 500-cst doesn't support recording a program (1 demux) & playing back a previously recorded file (2nd demux) at the same time, which would be required for timeshifting...


's foto blade954 20 okt 2008

I have used the guide and it works wonderfully as a video recorder using the help button to record and stop.

I have failed to make the timeshift work. Only to add 1 minute to the recording, (if you press help again after you start the recording, you will see the option)

Also when you change channel. it stops the recording and discard everything. the file is not saved, so be carefull when recording not to change channels!!!!!

When I enable timeshift in the System settings - Recording and Playing, it seems to record something to the HDD but I can not see a way to access it properly. It looks more like permanent record!!!

Is there anyone with a better understanding of the above that can help with timeshift?

Wait, as I'm writting this, I am playing with the dreambox as well. It appears that the timeshift function on the dreambox relates to recordings only and it is not real timeshift. So what you can do is only extend your recording backwards by the time you set in the settings and that only related to the channel you are recording/watching. You need to have actually watched the channel that you want to timeshift/record.... Does that make sense?
