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Skin with provider support, and elapsed time

's foto xyz 8 okt 2008

First of all greetings to everybody, and thanks for your effort regarding jade.

Is there a skin that shows the provider, along with the channel and the satellite?

Do you provide this variable for the skins?

One more regarding subtitles

If the movie has already started and you like to use subtitles, you must know how many minutes you are into the movie. It would be easier to setup the subtitle if that info was available. Did I miss something? Is there a skin already doing this?

Is there another way to do this? All I do now is subtract the start time from the clock to get the result, and advance to the correct subtitle.

Thanks in advance

's foto jonc 8 okt 2008

All of them do this and the various functions can be turned on and off on this OSD set up menu in the wiki >> E1OSDopt << Maybe if you download and install the latest X-line skin that would give you all the info without having to do anything.

Good Luck

's foto xyz 9 okt 2008

I think all my settings are correct but I still cant find what i was looking for (elapsed movie time, and provider).
I am attaching two pics from my osd setup and osd of a channel. As you can see the time left is visible, and a bar showing progress time but no actual time.
Next to the channel number you can see the number, the channel name and the satelite position in parenthesis, but no provider. Any more help would be appreciated, or any settings I might have missed.

Thank you

Bijgevoegde Bestanden


's foto nfnovice 9 okt 2008

Elapsed movie time is represented by the yellow bar under "Premier Direkt" it looks about three quarters away across there
the time left to go is the +303 min - (which represents time difference between 1:57 and 7:00) of 5 hours 3 minutes

Provider name comes up under the PLI logo in the box where the sat strength meters are displayed.

's foto xyz 9 okt 2008

Thank you for your reply, but what I am looking for is not the progress bar, but the actual elapsed time in digits. For the picture shown that would be(4:57). As for the provider, as you say it comes up under the pli, so why is it invisible on the picture posted? This channel is an example, but it is like that for every channel.

's foto hemertje 9 okt 2008

As for the provider, as you say it comes up under the pli, so why is it invisible on the picture posted? This channel is an example, but it is like that for every channel.

it depends if this widget is used in your specific skin you use

see our wiki for the skin widgets we use

's foto xyz 11 okt 2008

So do you know of any skin that shows time elapsed in digits instead of a progress bar?

Thnak you