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Show fallback IP in infobar

's foto jpuigs 22 sep 2020

I would like to see the fallbacktuner IP when the box is streaming from another one, either on 1st. infobar or on pliextrainfo (2nd. infobar).

That would be interesting in case of having more than one fallback ip (main + alternative URLs).


I know that on the server side, if we use something like self.streamServer.getConnectedClients() we get the connected client addresses, but on the client side (the one I want to work) this command doesn't show anything.


Which python instruction should I use ?





's foto littlesat 22 sep 2020

Depending on the type of source (dvb-s/t/c or atsc) it is always a fixed ip...

's foto jpuigs 22 sep 2020

yes, but although it is always a fixed IP, how could I know it (to show it) ?


I have two fallback IPs (main + DVB-T altern), and I'd like to see where is connecting to, on infobar.

Veranderd door jpuigs, 22 september 2020 - 19:34

's foto Dimitrij 23 sep 2020



This stream client and its detection slows down the system.


's foto jpuigs 23 sep 2020

But I don't need this stream client detection, because it detects clients streaming from this box (connecting to this box).


I want to see fallback tuner IP, where own box is connecting to, in other words, where it's streaming from in case you have (like me) several fallback IPs

Veranderd door jpuigs, 23 september 2020 - 07:14