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OpenPLi usb wifi driver

's foto coxa 7 dec 2022

I can't find which one default OpenPLi image USB Wifi chipset driver support (default image 8.3 or 7.x...).
RT5370 work in OpenPli 4.0 ,7.0 , 8.3 version, what chipset driver does it have only default image? No install afterwards ftp or plugins->drivers in menu.


VU+ sat recives...


Best regards !

Veranderd door coxa, 7 december 2022 - 15:38

's foto WanWizard 7 dec 2022

In general we don't install any drivers by default.


Some manufacturers do include some drivers, usually for models with internal wifi, or for wifi sticks they sell themselfs.


Which VU+ model exactly?


's foto coxa 7 dec 2022

OpenPli default image (4.0, 7.3 ... all image) default USB driver support in RT5370, which other chipset is supported by default image? Link default support usb wifi chipset?
VU+ Zero v2.0. and VU+ 4K


MT7601 or RT8188 ... ?


Best regards !

Veranderd door coxa, 7 december 2022 - 15:54

's foto WanWizard 7 dec 2022

As far as I can see:

	kernel-module-8192eu \
	kernel-module-ath9k-htc \
	kernel-module-carl9170 \
	kernel-module-r8712u \
	kernel-module-rt2500usb \
	kernel-module-rt2800usb \
	kernel-module-rt73usb \
	kernel-module-rtl8187 \
	kernel-module-rtl8192cu \
	kernel-module-zd1211rw \



's foto coxa 7 dec 2022

Thanks, while RT5370 chipset is not on the list, but it works well.
RT5370 sold out, and I have to find others.


Best regards


's foto WanWizard 7 dec 2022

What is the problem with needing to install a driver? It isn't that complicated, and a one-time thing?


's foto coxa 7 dec 2022

Lightning struck the LAN router, all VU+ recivers dead LAN , put it in rt5370 usb wifi stick, work internet.
I'm looking for a chip that I plug in and it recognizes. 5370chipset sold out/ old chipset.


Best regards !


's foto WanWizard 7 dec 2022

That's not good :(


You can download the driver on a PC and install it on the box using a USB stick. If you can tell me which driver you need, I can give you the URL.


Also, if you find a new stick with a mainstream chipset, I can check for you if we have a driver for it.


's foto arzaze 20 jan 2023

the original vu+ usb wifi not working on openpli 8.3?



