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HDMI In Vu Duo4K se

Lockdu13's Photo Lockdu13 30 Jan 2023

Bonjour à tous,


Comme dit dans le titre, j'aurai voulu utiliser l'entrée HDMI de mon vu Duo4k se, dessus j'ai Open pli 8.0, je n'ai rien trouvé dans le paramétrage concernant cette option, d'ailleurs si je connecte un autre appareil sur cette entrée, il ne se passe rien, du moins je n'ai pas trouvé comment sélectionner "HDMI in" dans les différents Menu.

Un possesseur de ce démo a t'il déjà essayé et obtenu un résultat, car là j'en suis à me demander si cette entrée n'est pas dessus juste à titre commercial comme argument de vente et non opérationnelle.

Merci par avance à ceux qui pourront donner plus d'informations sur ce sujet.  ;)




Hello everyone,
As said in the title, I would have liked to use the HDMI input of my vu Duo4k se, above I have Open pli 8.0, I did not find anything in the settings concerning this option, moreover if I connect another device on this input, nothing happens, at least I haven't found how to select "HDMI in" in the different Menus. Has a owner of this demo already tried and obtained a result, because here I am wondering if this entry is not on it just for commercial purposes as a selling point and not operational. Thanks in advance to anyone who can provide more information on this subject. ;)

gspock's Photo gspock 30 Jan 2023


l'entrée HDMI fonctionne très bien sur mon Duo4Kse, soit tu as un problème hardware soit tu as mis le connecteur dans l'HDMI in au lieu de HDMI out.



HDMI works OK on my STB, either you have an hardware issue or you put the cable in the wrong entry, HDMI in instead of HDMI out ...


gspock's Photo gspock 30 Jan 2023


l'entrée HDMI fonctionne très bien sur mon Duo4Kse, soit tu as un problème hardware soit tu as mis le connecteur dans l'HDMI in au lieu de HDMI out.



HDMI works OK on my STB, either you have an hardware issue or you put the cable in the wrong entry, HDMI in instead of HDMI out ...

sorry, I guess I misunderstood your question and did not find a way to delete my post.

check this:


Edited by gspock, 30 January 2023 - 14:59.

Lockdu13's Photo Lockdu13 30 Jan 2023



Pas grave, ma question est: comment se servir de l'entrée HDMI (HDMI in) pour par exemple y connecter un FireTV quand il n'y a plus de HDMI disponible sur la TV, et donc être obligé de débrancher le câble d'un autre appareil à chaque fois afin de pouvoir brancher celui d'un autre.

Bonne fin de journée.





Good evening,


No big deal, my question is: how to use the HDMI input (HDMI in) to connect a FireTV to it, for example, when there is no more HDMI available on the TV, and therefore be forced to unplug the cable from another device each time so you can plug in someone else's. Good evening.


Tech's Photo Tech 30 Jan 2023

(Google translate EN)

Good evening,

The question is: how to use the HDMI input (HDMI in), example if I want to connect a fireTV when there is no more HDMI input available on the TV.
Good evening.


Frenske's Photo Frenske 31 Jan 2023

And the answer is to use hotkey to address a random key to the option HDMI-IN.


s3n0's Photo s3n0 31 Jan 2023

Hi there @Lockdu13.


Please don't be offended now... I mean this warning sincerely and without hate... however... you don't know the Google Translator ? :-) Please use the international language - i.e. English, if there are no other worldwide spread languages on a particular discussion forum (eg: German, Russian, French, Italian, Spanish). Please use this one web page: https://translate.google.com


I'm tired of constantly translating someone's comments from their native language to English :-).


40H3X's Photo 40H3X 31 Jan 2023

@Lockdu13 Please use a translator like @s3n0 suggests and posts in English, this also makes the chance of getting a response bigger, for now I have edited your previous French posts,



@ Lockdu13 Veuillez utiliser un traducteur comme @ s3n0 suggère et publiez en anglais, cela augmente également les chances d'obtenir une réponse plus grande, pour l'instant j'ai édité vos précédents messages en français,

Lockdu13's Photo Lockdu13 31 Jan 2023

sorry, I will now use the translator, (I am 66 years old and have not learned English)

@ Frenske (And the answer is to use hotkey to address a random key to the option HDMI-IN).


Thank you but I don't really understand how to do it, what keyboard shortcut, I admit that I'm rather lost here. :mellow:

Thank you all, good afternoon.


40H3X's Photo 40H3X 31 Jan 2023

For hotkey look at our wiki https://wiki.openpli.org/Hotkey


Lockdu13's Photo Lockdu13 31 Jan 2023

Thank you, now I know how to make a keyboard shortcut, it only remains to find how to select the HDMI in input on which I want to connect my FireTV and that it works, image & sound.
Have a good evening


Frenske's Photo Frenske 31 Jan 2023

Activating the hdmi-in with hotkey is one thing, getting the FireTV to work is another thing.


Lockdu13's Photo Lockdu13 1 Feb 2023

Good evening,
Yes that's what I think too, not necessarily a fireTV, either the DVD player or UHD decoder from Orange, it's not even for recording, just that the HDMI in serves as a "Bypass" so that the video/audio streams are directly redirected to the HDMI out.

neo's Photo neo 1 Feb 2023

In general watching should work fine, but note that there is no HDCP support on the HDMI-in, so if you have a device that requires it, you need a HDCP-killer to make it work.


Lockdu13's Photo Lockdu13 1 Feb 2023

yes, I knew that, but even when connecting my camcorder (which doesn't need it, it doesn't come under the protection, these are my films), I can't get an image, the screen remains desperately black, it's very complicated.

I'm going to end up giving up, because this is beyond me.  :wacko:


Pr2's Photo Pr2 3 Feb 2023

Please read:


