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Change from openvix to openpli - lose exis...

's foto xdoktor 30 dec 2023

Hi all,


So having been a long time user of OpenVix, as title asks as I'M NOT SURE, if I was to flash VU DUO 4K to Openpli would I lose all the existing recorded items from TV etc on the installed HDD?






's foto DimitarCC 30 dec 2023

No. Everything on hdd is preserved.

's foto WanWizard 30 dec 2023



A flash would only wipe everything in flash memory (or, if you are using multiboot, only the root filesystem in the multiboot slot).


You would lose all your configuration, timers, autotimers, channel list, etc, as they are located in the root filesystem. You could manually save them by copying /etc/enigma2 to a safe location.


's foto Huevos 31 dec 2023

Hi all,


So having been a long time user of OpenVix, as title asks as I'M NOT SURE, if I was to flash VU DUO 4K to Openpli would I lose all the existing recorded items from TV etc on the installed HDD?





Easiest would be enable multiboot and flash PLi into a different slot. That way you can try PLi without deleting your current install.
