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Member Since 11 Jan 2016
Offline Last Active 26 Aug 2021 20:53

Posts I've Made

In Topic: openpli 8.0 and vu+ zero....

7 March 2021 - 12:09

I always format the usb stick!! The 7.3 run!! I know how to install.. the problem is the 8.0... 

In Topic: problem to install a ipk by filebrowser

24 October 2020 - 17:52

tha architecture is good. someone told me openpli have problems with ipk... true? or not..?

In Topic: problem to install a ipk by filebrowser

24 October 2020 - 17:00

hello, ipk installer tell me: does not have a compatible architecture.  please help. How can I install it?

In Topic: tv screen adjustment with DM 800 Se HD

17 August 2020 - 19:19

are you sure? my old openpli doesn't cut the edge with the 800se..