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In Topic:Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2

20 januari 2016 - 19:20



As you probably already know there exists Kodi (XBMC) 13.2 plugin for other images like OpenATV, OpenBH, BH.. but this version is outdated. As a consequence many addons are not supported anymore.

Since XBMC modified by vuplus is mostly open-source(aside gles initialization), I ported/modified all neccessary changes to make update to latest stable version of Kodi possible.


- updated to latest stable release 15.2
- ContextMenu is bind to mute button, Escape is bind to exit button (idea taken from http://www.vuplus-community.net/)
- remote mount used hdd can be used as storage
- added Enigma2Player based on ExternalPlayer
* gathers subtitles links from addons and passes it to clients
- Enigma2Player is set as default player for every video/audio

Kodi E2 plugin(kodiext):
- subtitles support by subssupport plugin
- correctly handles xbmc urls with added http headers

Known Issues:

- audioengine in kodi is disabled since it doesn't work correctly(choppy sound), however it looks to be solvable since alsa is working on vuplus when tested with aplay
- internal video player is working but without sound as said above. It will have only limited use if sound is fixed, since only low quality video is fluent, because of software decoding.
- when kodi exits, it always crashes. I debug it with gdb and find out that problem lies in vu gles drivers:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.0x777b5238 in ?? ()   from /home/marko/Projects/Sdk/openpli-mipsel32-kodi-image/sysroots/mips32el-oe-linux/usr/lib/libGLESv2.so

How to build:

1. clone openpli-oe-core master-next branch
git clone https://github.com/OpenPLi/openpli-oe-core -b master-next 
2. enter to openpli-oe-core directory and setup your build environment
cd openpli-oe-core;make
3. enter meta-vuplus directory, add my remote fork of meta-vuplus layer, checkout kodi_15_2 branch
cd meta-vuplus;git remote add vukodi https://github.com/mx3L/meta-vuplus.git;git fetch vukodi;git checkout kodi_15_2 
4. enter meta-local directory, clone kodi recipes
cd ../meta-local/;git clone https://github.com/mx3L/recipes-kodi.git
5. enter build directory, set build environment variables, build kodi-image for your machine(vusolose,vusolo2,vuduo2), I set vusolose.
cd ../build/;source env.source;MACHINE=vusolose bitbake kodi-image
6. If everything goes as it should, your kodi image is in your build directory:
If you already built master-next, you have to clean vuplus-dvb-modules from rootfs, otherwise there will be collision with vuplus-dvb-proxy.
MACHINE=yourmachine bitbake vuplus-dvb-modules -f -c clean
Testing images:

- these images are built on master-next branch of openpli-oe-core and are only ment for testing(no feeds available, you've to build them or include your packages in kodi-image.bb), only vusolose image is tested, since I don't have other receivers.
Please try vusolo2 and vuduo2 images and let me know if Kodi is working.




Thank you to @samsamsam, who send me his ffmpeg configure options
Are the files attached xbmc plugins or openpli + xbmc image ?



they are pli images with kodi 15.2

In Topic:Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2

19 januari 2016 - 17:20

1. solo2 - No you don't have to delete anything
2. background message - I don't know, it never bothered me
3. image modification - look in openpli-oe-core/meta-local/recipes-kodi/images/kodi-image.bb

Thank you for your reply and for your hard work

In Topic:Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2

17 januari 2016 - 13:48

@mx3l Ive build image for solose if I want to build new image for solo2 do I need to delete anything before start and Also how can I get rid off the background message ( this image is based on openpli and so not genuine)
And also how do I add/take stuff while image building progress
Thx on advance

In Topic:Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2

14 januari 2016 - 22:17

ok find it now :D

In Topic:Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2

14 januari 2016 - 22:01

thx  @mx3l one quick questions which files i use after build image currently ive got 13 files