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Member Since 21 Feb 2011
Offline Last Active 16 Apr 2013 11:48

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In Topic: Missing channels i rytexxmltvnordic

15 April 2013 - 13:52

If you told me this in advance, it would saved me a lot of headaches and time.


Of course you have to adapt your own channels file.

Here is my current one.



I'm really sorry. I found this thread when i searched for my problem and it was almost exactly as mine, therefore it never came to my thinking it could be a local error at my end.

In Topic: Missing channels i rytexxmltvnordic

15 April 2013 - 11:37

I have a kind of special box, a Sunray triple tuner.

I remember to get it work with the epg i had to manually edit the "rytec.channels-sweden.xml" to get the epg.


So maybe i have to edit it again now to this above service references?


Attatched logfile and my "rytec.channels-sweden.xml".


Thank you for your time.



In Topic: Missing channels i rytexxmltvnordic

15 April 2013 - 08:09

Strange, when i checked service reference with the epg trick it was those numbers. And they are also present in my "rytec.channels-sweden.xml" for those channels.

But now it doesn't work, it has worked fine since last summer.


Any ideas?

In Topic: Missing channels i rytexxmltvnordic

11 April 2013 - 19:25

It is Sweden.



SVT1HD     1:0:19:428:28:A027:E050000:0:0:0:
SVT2HD     1:0:19:416:36:A027:E050000:0:0:0:
SVT1          1:0:1:449:2D:A027:E060000:0:0:0:
SVT2          1:0:1:44A:2D:A027:E060000:0:0:0:
TV4HD       1:0:19:46B:1F:A027:E050000:0:0:0:
TV4            1:0:1:3F4:2D:A027:E060000:0:0:0:
Discovery   1:0:1:51B:24:A027:E050000:0:0:0:
Thanks a lot.

In Topic: Missing channels i rytexxmltvnordic

10 April 2013 - 21:00

I'm missing SVT1, SVT2, TV4, SVT1HD, SVT2HD, TV4HD & Discovery.

I'm using DVB-C (comhem)

