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Member Since 2 Sep 2018
Offline Last Active 26 Jan 2020 17:28

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In Topic: Zgemma H7C stuck in boot if usb flash drive present

5 November 2018 - 22:13

Problem solved, it was an incompatibility with the usb flash drive brand: Toshiba 32GB usb3:


I replaced it with a kingston usb3 flash drive and I had no more issues.

thanks to everyone for the replies and support.

In Topic: Zgemma H7C stuck in boot if usb flash drive present

4 November 2018 - 22:57

If it gets stuck in boot, it is most likely a bootloader issue, that chokes on the NTFS filesystem. Why would you use NTFS on a linux box?

because with ntfs, recording doesn't stop if the file size reaches 4GB. I never had any issues with the zgemma star H2 and the same nfts usb flash drive.

I've tried now to initialize the flash drive from the setup in ext4, rebooted and the decoder got stuck again in boot.