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Member Since 9 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active 12 Jun 2013 20:46

#348113 Flashexpander for DM800HD OpenPli2.1

Posted by offnow on 5 May 2013 - 17:48

Maybe we should ask about progging SAP apps to gm...

Or he could write some CNC-proggi for a cage for some bearing...


If not he could learn it until tomorrow... (???) if things are so easy to learn for everybody...



#275298 OE 2.0 - DreamBox

Posted by offnow on 6 May 2012 - 16:04

Maybe - somewhere sometimes in the future, the boss of dream will get it...
It is not necessary to earn 50 Euro or more for every sold nondreambox with e2 - maybe 5 Euro are enough...

Maybe - somewhere sometimes in the future they will accept not perfect patches with correct timestamp and md5sum, maybe they will accept some code which is provided in a small textfile or out of a thread written in a board - because the code is more perfect than the way of providing it...

Maybe - somewhere sometimes in the future they will take the idea of someone and write it in perfect code - because the one who has got the idea can not do this, because he is a progger for cnc-machines and not a c++ - god...

IMHO - this will not happen - so we have to take the kindergarden provided, steal some code from the right and from the left, put it together to make the best images for the users and their different boxes - and get nothing for it, only "you are a thief" and a "really bad guy"...

My head says - go, buy a hd+ receiver and throw the other things to trash and burn it - go, play angry birds or UT3 - why do you do these other things? - man, you are ill in your head... - there must be a big hole, where others do have some brain... maybe to much alcohol or cigarettes? - maybe the water was too hot while having a bath as a baby?
But until now my heart has won every fight about this ;)

#275105 OE 2.0 - DreamBox

Posted by offnow on 5 May 2012 - 19:37

85% - ca... ;)

but there are more probs while building as in pli... so they copiied in a bad way...

#272653 opkg-utils

Posted by offnow on 21 April 2012 - 19:43

For the nonworking opkg-utils

but I do not know, how a working SRC_URI line would look like :(

#270966 opkg-utils

Posted by offnow on 14 April 2012 - 21:47

And another...


change the url to http://download.sava.../releases/attr/

#270964 opkg-utils

Posted by offnow on 14 April 2012 - 21:41

Hm, no edit possible...

The next one - git

In /recipes/git/git.inc you have to change to http://kakola.googlecode.com/files/

#270961 opkg-utils

Posted by offnow on 14 April 2012 - 21:35


Found the next one...

In ...recipes/libpng/libpng.inc you have to change the url to ftp://ftp.simplesystems.org/pub/png/src/history/libpng15/

#269611 opkg-utils

Posted by offnow on 9 April 2012 - 18:45


We tried to make images with openpli - some mistakes are in the git- openmoko is unavailable, so it stuck at opkg-utils

I found that fix for openembedded:

The binutils_2.21.tar.bz2 are not on the place shown in the pli-git:
This can be downloaded here:

Maybe this can be fixed in the actual openpli?

So we can search after the next errors ;) (little joke by me...)