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Lid geworden: 10 sep 2006
Online Laatste activiteit: Vandaag, 15:22

Berichten die ik gemaakt heb

In Topic:Geen geluid op tv na opstart uit stand by met Mutant

Vandaag, 15:21

Dan lijkt het me onwaarschijnlijk dat de TV een setting kwijt is geraakt.


Als je CEC op de box uit zet, en de TV apart via de AB uit zet, en na een half uur weer aan, heb je dan hetzelfde probleem? Staat in de CEC settings volume forwarding aan?

In Topic:OpenPLi 9.0 release available

Vandaag, 14:28

and disabeled the CLOCKFIX setting


It is not a "fix", it is an extremely anoying feature that blocks the system clock from being corrected. This can be signicant, if the linux clock is 1s per hour off, you're off by 3 minutes by the end of the week, and in the second week, you'll start missing the beginning of recordings.


Is is needed because one of the authors of Oscam thought it was smart to use realtime for timing loops, instead of synthetic time. And if realtime changes in such a loop, especially time going backwards, the loop may run for much longer, causing Oscam to stop working.


This has been mentioned several times, but was never addessed.


If your box uses NTP to get the time (using either the ntp or the auto setting), removing it is not an issue. If your box runs on transponder time, and you watch transponders that don't keep the correct time, you may have an issue.

In Topic:Korte onderbreking in opname via Unicable 2 LNB

Vandaag, 14:11

Ik heb hier ook een Inverto power injector in de kabel zitten. Die voedt dan wel een Ubicable switch ipv LNB, maar voor dezelfde reden.


Wat voor schotel heb je dat daar 4 van die LNB's op passen? Daar ben ik wel benieuwd naar, want tot op heden hebben de meeste bullet nose LNB's nodig voor deze posities.

In Topic:Geen geluid op tv na opstart uit stand by met Mutant

Vandaag, 14:07

Is dat de enige setting die de TV kwijt raakt? Of gaat het ook mis met bv helderheld of contrast?


En in dat half uur staat de TV in standby, en is niet van de stroom af geweest (dus echt uit)?

In Topic:[WIP] PLi-DarkOS Skin

Gisteren, 15:06

As to the buttons, the debug log shows:

[Screen] Showing screen 'About'.
LOGO PosX: 1724
[ePNG] loadSVG /usr/share/enigma2/logos/brandlogo.svg 84x34 from 192x126
TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Addons/ColorButtonsSequence.py", line 52, in buildEntry
    if len(sequence) == 0:
SystemError: <built-in function len> returned a result with an exception set
[eListboxPythonMultiContent] error getting item 0

which I assume is captured somewhere as it is not visable in the GUI.


I tried to add a print, but that results in

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Addons/ColorButtonsSequence.py", line 52, in buildEntry
    print (sequence)
TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

which I don't understand either.



And this time it already crashes when I press Yellow:

[ActionMap] Keymap 'ColorActions' -> Action = 'yellow'.
[Skin] Processing screen 'Troubleshoot', position=(0, 0), size=(1920 x 1080) for module 'Troubleshoot'.
[Skin] Attribute 'connection' (with value of 'key_red,key_green,key_yellow,key_blue') in object of type 'eListbox' is not implemented!
[Skin] Attribute 'connection' (with value of 'Title,ScreenPath') in object of type 'eListbox' is not implemented!
[Skin] Attribute 'titleFont' (with value of 'Bold; 28') in object of type 'eListbox' is not implemented!
[Skin] Attribute 'connection' (with value of 'key_info,key_help,key_pvr,key_next,key_menu,key_previous,key_text,VKeyIcon') in object of type 'eListbox' is not implemented!
[Skin] Attribute 'connection' (with value of 'AboutScrollLabel') in object of type 'eListbox' is not implemented!
[eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
[Skin] Processing screen 'SimpleSummary' from list 'Troubleshoot_summary, SimpleSummary', position=(0, 0), size=(480 x 320) for module 'SimpleSummary'.
[Screen] Showing screen '['Troubleshoot_summary', 'SimpleSummary']'.
[Screen] Showing screen 'Troubleshoot'.
LOGO PosX: 1724
[ePNG] loadSVG /usr/share/enigma2/logos/brandlogo.svg 84x34 from 192x126
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Addons/ServiceInfoBar.py", line 114, in checkCrypto_update
    service = NavigationInstance.instance.getCurrentService()
TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
[ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method ServiceInfoBar.checkCrypto_update of <Components.Addons.ServiceInfoBar.ServiceInfoBar object at 0xaf182d48>>,()) failed)
[gRC] Warning: Main thread is busy, displaying spinner!