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Member Since 10 Dec 2007
Offline Last Active Today, 22:02

Posts I've Made

In Topic: OpenPLi 9.0 release available

17 April 2024 - 19:39

I saw in the last update of 15-04-2024 that Oscam has been updated to r11764@344ea3ee

and disabeled the CLOCKFIX setting

what is the reason for this ?

In Topic: Wat is nu beste en snelste box?

12 April 2024 - 08:26

de Vu+duo 4K SE kost wel wat maar dan heb je ook wat :)

In Topic: Gezocht voor Ultimo 4K

22 December 2023 - 10:17

hier wat info uit een wiki van  vuplus-support van een ultimo 4k https://wiki.vuplus-...n_Vu+_Ultimo_4K is wel in het duits

In Topic: oscam.dvpapi M: 1817 0100:00006A

19 December 2023 - 00:00

Geen idee wat je denkt te kunnen vinden, het enige wat de patch doet is wat extra velden beschikbaar maken in de Nagra reader sectie (en natuurlijk de code om die ook te gebruiken).

hebt het gevonden thanks voor de info eens kijken als ik een C+ kaart aan het lopen kan krijgen

In Topic: oscam.dvpapi M: 1817 0100:00006A

18 December 2023 - 20:54


Met DVPAPI werkt dat Canal  + Action bij mij uiteraard ook niet meer.

Ik zie nog geen CAK7 oscam in de feeds om mee te spelen?

er staan nu 2 versie`s op OSCam r11726-799  dit is de emu versie volgens mij  OSCam r11726 en dit is de standaard versie

we wachten af geduld is een schone zaak


heb de oscam-cak7 erop staan eens kijken als we wat kunnen vinden op internet om een kaart werkend te krijgen

ik zie alleen weinig verschil in de  OSCam r11726-cak7 en de OSCam r11726 ( of ik kijk er over heen )


Unix starttime: 1702927798
Starttime:      18.12.2023 20:29:58
Version:        oscam-1.20_svn-r11726
Compiler:       arm-oe-linux-gnueabi
Box type:       dm8000 (generic)
PID:            2243
TempDir:        /tmp/.oscam
GBox tmp_dir:   not defined using: /tmp/.oscam
ConfigDir:      /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-cak7/
WebifPort:      8081

Web interface support:                   yes
LiveLog support:                         yes
jQuery support intern:                   yes
Touch interface support:                 no
SSL support:                             yes
DVB API support:                         yes
DVB API with AZBOX support:              no
DVB API with MCA support:                no
DVB API with COOLAPI support:            no
DVB API with COOLAPI2 support:           no
DVB API with STAPI support:              no
DVB API with STAPI5 support:             no
DVB API with NEUTRINO support:           no
DVB API read-sdt charsets:               yes
Irdeto guessing:                         yes
Anti-cascading support:                  no
Debug mode:                              yes
Monitor:                                 yes
Loadbalancing support:                   yes
Cache exchange support:                  yes
CW Cycle Check support:                  yes
LCD support:                             yes
LED support:                             no
Clockfix with realtime clock:            yes
IPv6 support:                            yes

camd 3.3x:                               no
camd 3.5 UDP:                            yes
camd 3.5 TCP:                            yes
newcamd:                                 yes
CCcam:                                   yes
CCcam share:                             yes
gbox:                                    yes
radegast:                                no
scam:                                    yes
serial:                                  no
constant CW:                             yes
Pandora:                                 no
ghttp:                                   no

Reader support:                          yes

Nagra:                                   yes
Nagra Merlin:                            yes
Irdeto:                                  yes
Conax:                                   yes
Cryptoworks:                             yes
Seca:                                    yes
Viaccess:                                yes
NDS Videoguard:                          yes
DRE Crypt:                               yes
TONGFANG:                                yes
Bulcrypt:                                yes
Griffin:                                 yes
DGCrypt:                                 yes

cardreader_phoenix:                      yes
cardreader_drecas:                       no
cardreader_internal_azbox:               no
cardreader_internal_coolapi:             no
cardreader_internal_coolapi2:            no
cardreader_internal_sci:                 yes
cardreader_sc8in1:                       no
cardreader_mp35:                         no
cardreader_smargo:                       yes
cardreader_pcsc:                         no
cardreader_smartreader:                  yes
cardreader_db2com:                       no
cardreader_stapi:                        no
cardreader_stapi5:                       no
cardreader_stinger:                      yes


Unix starttime: 1702928012
Starttime:      18.12.2023 20:33:32
Version:        oscam-1.20_svn-r11726
Compiler:       arm-oe-linux-gnueabi
Box type:       dm8000 (generic)
PID:            2319
TempDir:        /tmp/.oscam
GBox tmp_dir:   not defined using: /tmp/.oscam
ConfigDir:      /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam/
WebifPort:      8081

Web interface support:                   yes
LiveLog support:                         yes
jQuery support intern:                   yes
Touch interface support:                 no
SSL support:                             yes
DVB API support:                         yes
DVB API with AZBOX support:              no
DVB API with MCA support:                no
DVB API with COOLAPI support:            no
DVB API with COOLAPI2 support:           no
DVB API with STAPI support:              no
DVB API with STAPI5 support:             no
DVB API with NEUTRINO support:           no
DVB API read-sdt charsets:               yes
Irdeto guessing:                         yes
Anti-cascading support:                  no
Debug mode:                              yes
Monitor:                                 yes
Loadbalancing support:                   yes
Cache exchange support:                  yes
CW Cycle Check support:                  yes
LCD support:                             yes
LED support:                             no
Clockfix with realtime clock:            yes
IPv6 support:                            yes

camd 3.3x:                               no
camd 3.5 UDP:                            yes
camd 3.5 TCP:                            yes
newcamd:                                 yes
CCcam:                                   yes
CCcam share:                             yes
gbox:                                    yes
radegast:                                no
scam:                                    yes
serial:                                  no
constant CW:                             yes
Pandora:                                 no
ghttp:                                   no

Reader support:                          yes

Nagra:                                   yes
Nagra Merlin:                            yes
Irdeto:                                  yes
Conax:                                   yes
Cryptoworks:                             yes
Seca:                                    yes
Viaccess:                                yes
NDS Videoguard:                          yes
DRE Crypt:                               yes
TONGFANG:                                yes
Bulcrypt:                                yes
Griffin:                                 yes
DGCrypt:                                 yes

cardreader_phoenix:                      yes
cardreader_drecas:                       no
cardreader_internal_azbox:               no
cardreader_internal_coolapi:             no
cardreader_internal_coolapi2:            no
cardreader_internal_sci:                 yes
cardreader_sc8in1:                       no
cardreader_mp35:                         no
cardreader_smargo:                       yes
cardreader_pcsc:                         no
cardreader_smartreader:                  yes
cardreader_db2com:                       no
cardreader_stapi:                        no
cardreader_stapi5:                       no
cardreader_stinger:                      yes