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Member Since 26 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active 17 Jan 2014 15:27

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In Topic: Irish Channels on 28.2 only showing 1 to 2 days EPG

5 February 2013 - 14:40

Dont get me wrong its a brilliant service.
Just wondering was it being restricted as the source has more days....

Which means that you have the schedule of 5,6,7,8 and 9 february or 5 full days.

Not enough? I am sorry to hear that, but I never guaranteed more than 5 days. Even on some channels you get one or 2 days longer.


In Topic: Irish Channels on 28.2 only showing 1 to 2 days EPG

5 February 2013 - 11:53

This is the last program I see in the download from sources file....and also what I see in my EPG.

<programme start="20130209234500 +0000" stop="20130210005500 +0000" channel="rte1.rte.ie">
<title lang="en">Raw</title>
<sub-title lang="en">(Season 5. Episode 5 of 6)</sub-title>
<desc lang="en">It is the anniversary of Pavel's death and Geoff is surprised by the arrival of his father from Australia to support him. Meanwhile, Shane is having a difficult time financially, losing 4,000 euros to a con-artist with the wages due to be paid. With everyone and everything at RAW out of kilter, Max steps up to the plate, much to Fiona's surprise.
Category: General Movie. Drama.</desc>

On TV Guide its 4:30am EuroNews on Tuesday Morning.

What is the last program you see on your side.

I know its no big deal but just wondering is there a limit set somewhere thats restricting the number of days downloaded.

In Topic: Irish Channels on 28.2 only showing 1 to 2 days EPG

5 February 2013 - 09:27

I aggree you can only provide whats on tv guide UKs website.

Its just that there is always 2-3 days more data for RTE 1-2, TV3, 3e, TG4 than what I have or even what you have.

Is there something wrong with the downloader in VIX that isnt downloading all the epg data from tv guide.co.uk

Willy where can I download the xml data from the web on rytec.be to see exactly whats available.

In Topic: Irish Channels on 28.2 only showing 1 to 2 days EPG

4 February 2013 - 09:26

Willy today my EPG is upto Thursday night about 23:30. (7th Feb)

Im on VIX 3.0 with fairly recent updates using XMLTV Importer to download the RYTEC EPG Data.

I have epg set tp download 7 days (thats if its available.)

Any ideas what could be wrong for me.

It would be great to get EPG this far ahead..

Is it just a timing thing then that your EPG yesterday is up to 08.feb.2013. when online at the same time it was 09.feb.2013. You have to download before they are updated ?

In Topic: Irish Channels on 28.2 only showing 1 to 2 days EPG

3 February 2013 - 16:09

Willy Irish Channels (RTE 1-2, TV3, 3e, TG4) have had no update for the last 2-3 days.
Only upto Wednesday in XMLTV importer.

Is there a reason that this only happens to these channels when all the other channels are fine.

See on TV Guide UK the Irish Channels go to Saturday Night.

Can these sources be used.
