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Member Since 18 Mar 2015
Offline Last Active 13 Apr 2015 00:04

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Wifi reduced speed after update - Vu solo2

18 March 2015 - 16:14

Hi there.. I have a Vu Solo +2 and using the Openpli image from the first moment-  over a year now.

Last summer i purchuased a wifi usb dongle with rtl8192cu (Level One brand) that worked flawlessly with 300mpb speed and stopped all the problems i had with my old 802.11b card..


All was ok till I updated my vu+ after a long time last week and my wifi dongle was not recognized..

I made a clear install without restoring settings and it was found but noticed serious lag and streaming problems on my lan network so i checked my wifi speed that was 150mb..

i tried many many options even made 3 full restore in order to fix any issues but the speed remains at 150mb.


I tried other images like blackhole,vti,openvix and at all of them i had 300mbit speed with no streaming issues..also tried the dongle on my pc that i can get 287mbit

I tried to install other driver .ipk that i found but still no luck


Any suggestions? is there any possibility that drivers was changed in one of the last updates?


thanks in Advance