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Member Since 10 Jun 2015
Offline Last Active 10 Jul 2022 10:16

Posts I've Made

In Topic: vuplus: gles demo

12 December 2021 - 00:59

don't forget the (poor) MSX era. It was a first try to have a standard.

In Topic: vuplus: gles demo

12 December 2021 - 00:27

yes, I forgot the ZX-81 (never had the 80) and the QL got from a nerd friend :) who came from UK with two ZX-Spectrum's 48kb in the first 80's

The Atari 2600 was exchanged with one ZX-Spectrum back then :)

In Topic: vuplus: gles demo

11 December 2021 - 22:53

See, I am '68 so my first home console was Atari 2600. Then ZX-Spectrum, then X86 16 bit, 32 bit, etc.

I do like these old emulators.




In Topic: vuplus: gles demo

10 December 2021 - 23:19

he he, it was long but I finally lured serdeliuk :)


afais all devices supporting kodi should be able to run thesenew binaries (arm/mipsel ofc).


Keep on!



In Topic: necessary BSP adjustments for kodi 18 / CMake

13 November 2021 - 22:00



do not worry, the pending pull requests for





are just removing cruft.

Recent kodi versions (>18) using CMake are not affected by these lines.

