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Media player - playlist problems

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#1 Stan

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Posted 16 December 2024 - 22:13

I'm encountering some problems with the Media player plugin when playing mp3 tracks and managing playlists.


It happened quite a few times now, that all of a sudden all playlist entries (right side pane) were gone! I tried to reproduce the issue and I'm pretty sure it's caused by pressing the Pause/Play button. That surely must be a bug, I can't imagine it's ment to behave like that...

Also, when it comes to save a new playlist, the virtual keyboard does not pop up, which makes it harder to enter the filename.


Attached File  Media_player_playlist_empty.jpg   77.67KB   0 downloads

Re: Media player - playlist problems #2 littlesat

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Posted 16 December 2024 - 22:46

No idea what you’re doing… we can look at it if you know how to reproduce it… (I did not use that media player plugin for a long long time as currently I use Spotify most times for music)

Edited by littlesat, 16 December 2024 - 22:48.

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Re: Media player - playlist problems #3 Stan

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Posted Yesterday, 10:52

It's not that important.


It's just that with my ET9200 with PLi 8.3 it's still ok.

With the OSmio (my test box atm) the playlist gets cleared when pressing the Pause/Play button in the file list.


I'll try to debug and will report back.

Edited by Stan, Yesterday, 10:52.

Re: Media player - playlist problems #4 Dimitrij

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Posted Yesterday, 17:16

[MediaPlayer] use VirtualKeyBoard instead InputBox




leared when pressing the Pause/Play button in the file list

I checked, there are no such problems. Check the settings, maybe there is a difference with ET9200 with PLi 8.3.

GigaBlue UHD Quad 4K /Lunix3-4K/Duo 4K

Re: Media player - playlist problems #5 Stan

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Posted Yesterday, 18:33

Yeah, I checked. After some digging the source code, I finally found what's causing the aforementioned behavior.

It turns out it's not a bug, it's a feature! The "Play" button is "hijacked" for the purpose of a shortcut equivalent to the menu entry "Add directory to playlist".
This currently works only for video files. Clicking "Play" in the file list with only audio files, will just clear the current playlist.


I was not aware of that undocumented "feature".

At least, another button or a "long" press should be used instead.


Re: Media player - playlist problems #6 littlesat

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Posted Yesterday, 18:38

Can you better explain...... I suggest press play should not 'clear' anything.... then this should indeed be 're-routed' to a different key...

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Re: Media player - playlist problems #7 ims

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Posted Yesterday, 18:42

May be, there is feature under Play and feature under Pause, but some RC have common play/pause button ?

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Re: Media player - playlist problems #8 ims

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Posted Yesterday, 19:49

Long "Stop" button is used for remove playlist. It might be better to remove the playlist deletion function from the STOP key since the same option can be found in the Menu list. How often does anyone delete a playlist that they need a quick key for it, and such a poorly chosen one at that?

Edited by ims, Yesterday, 20:07.

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Re: Media player - playlist problems #9 littlesat

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Posted Yesterday, 20:07

And maybe also especially for a ‘delete’ add a kind of popup confirmation. Usually delete should be a red button I suppose.

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Re: Media player - playlist problems #10 ims

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Posted Yesterday, 20:09

Media player has not color buttons in skin.

Edited by ims, Yesterday, 20:09.

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Re: Media player - playlist problems #11 Stan

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Posted Yesterday, 20:33

Long "Stop" button is used for remove playlist. It might be better to remove the playlist deletion function from the STOP key since the same option can be found in the Menu list.[...]



And maybe also especially for a ‘delete’ add a kind of popup confirmation. Usually delete should be a red button I suppose.

When selecting Delete from a menu, an extra confirmation is usually not necessary. Only in case of a Delete button, which could be pressed by accident.

Edited by Stan, Yesterday, 20:37.

Re: Media player - playlist problems #12 littlesat

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Posted Yesterday, 20:42

Usually play/stop/pauze buttons need for the feeling quick response then short (release/break) and long is not a smart option.
But for now I suggest this is as is for years so I suggest no showstopper for 9.1.

Edited by littlesat, Yesterday, 20:43.

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

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