Openwebif has been updated to version 2.x a while ago and it has a feature that is kind of essential for me.
When I try to upgrade to it in the latest OpenPli 9.1, the suggested installation process
## connect to your enigma2 device via SSH/Telnet, (eg. `ssh root@boxip`), then # change to the temp directory cd /tmp # shut down enigma2 gracefully init 4 # fetch OpenWebif ipk wget -O openwebif.ipk https://github.com/oe-alliance/OpenWebif/raw/gh-pages/enigma2-plugin-extensions-openwebif_latest_all.ipk # install downloaded ipk file opkg install openwebif.ipk # restart enigma2 init 3
generally works fine but Openwebif doesn't start afterwards and instead I see a No module named "Tools.copyFiles error in the plugin menu.
Any help on how to get it up and running would be very much appreciated.