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USB 2GB yes, USB 4GB no


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#1 al-zoir

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Geplaatst op 29 september 2009 - 21:22

Since my USB is full, according to the FlashWizard 100%, with 4 images on (had 5 but I deleted one just to make things easier but still 100%), tried to use one of 4GB. Yet it's not there, can't use it. Why, is it too big for 7020, or what? (I tried to formate it with the flashwizard on the flash-image. Not possible. What's to blame?

Re: USB 2GB yes, USB 4GB no #2 dAF2000

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Geplaatst op 29 september 2009 - 21:34

It should be formatted as ext2 or ext3 anyway. I think the 2GB limit is caused by the Microsoft FAT formatting.
Many answers to your question can be found in our wiki: http://openpli.org/wiki

Re: USB 2GB yes, USB 4GB no #3 al-zoir

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Geplaatst op 29 september 2009 - 23:47

Thanks for the answerce not been read , seen by the receiver then what? how can I formate it through the receiver? I tried to do it through Flashwizard, I have done this in the 2GB one.

Re: USB 2GB yes, USB 4GB no #4 dAF2000

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Geplaatst op 30 september 2009 - 07:54

Boot the Dreambox without USB stick and connect the stick AFTER the Dreambox is started. Can Flashwizard format it now?
Many answers to your question can be found in our wiki: http://openpli.org/wiki

Re: USB 2GB yes, USB 4GB no #5 al-zoir

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Geplaatst op 30 september 2009 - 10:49

Sorry, but no. And this happens to both my 7020s!!!

Re: USB 2GB yes, USB 4GB no #6 WildBit

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Geplaatst op 30 september 2009 - 14:05

Yup, not unusual unfortunately. On my 7020 I had similar problems with CF memory. I had a 2gb which worked great but replaced it with a 4 gb which didn't work at all. Got it swapped for an 8 gb and this one went. Same technology, brand and even series but with obvious differences in the behaviour
Out there...

Re: USB 2GB yes, USB 4GB no #7 al-zoir

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Geplaatst op 30 september 2009 - 15:20

I already have changed to cf on my first 7020, 4GB, which from the first moment was functioning, while the second one cannot read it, it's like it isn't there. So you are saying that it's a matter of luck and I am being unlucky fot the 4GB USB this time in both. I guess I have to accept this and go on with the 2GB. Surely I cannot go on buying new USBs, trying to find the one that fits well. I am only wondering about the functionality and all of the USB function and the whole thing of external or internal HDD (particularly since it's really a pain in the ass the recording problem in my internal HDD).

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