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Type of Enigma

's foto Amatøren 7 okt 2009

I use EPG Evolution on my DM500+. When I was using Peter Pan 1.0, I had to set Enigma type on my server to E1 new. By changing to Pli Jade3 I had to change Enigma type to E1 old. I don't know the diffrence, by why not use the newest?

Anyone that can tell/learn me the diffrence and why?

I change to Pli by the reason of missing of autocam in Peter Pan (and don't use Gemini after total failure of decoding Viasat channels a Sunday morning also slow channel switcing on my DM500+with Gemini).

's foto dAF2000 7 okt 2009

I never heard about "E1 new" and "E1 old".

's foto Amatøren 7 okt 2009

Check the file dreamver.php in this link (zip file) from cipher's EPG Evolution forum. Maybe cipher has the answer?

's foto hemertje 7 okt 2009

so did you ask him?

's foto Amatøren 7 okt 2009

Have sendt a new post on his forum. He is not so active anymore, so it can take a same days before answer. I will inform you about what I get of answer.

's foto dAF2000 7 okt 2009

And the zip file is corrupt.

's foto Amatøren 7 okt 2009

I got the sme message when windows zip/unzip function tried to unzip. when I used 7-zip it worked OK. I told cipher about it and also he saied it was OK. Don't know what zip/unzip program he use.

's foto Amatøren 7 okt 2009

Sorry my mistake. I had by a mistake put an old version in my Dreambox.

from EPG Evolution forum:

Do you mean the value in the dreamver.php file?
The old/new on the E1 version is referring to the plugin version not the enigma version..
Old E1= Enigma1 and plugin version older then 115
New E1= Enigma1 and EPG Evolution build 115 and later versions

This had to do with a protocol change that i made on the server but don´t think the public php support the older version so allways use the new and latest version of the plugin, as you see on the history the start time was fixed for all timezones on the build 115 and i had to update both the server and client and thats why i increased the protocol version..

EPG Evolution build 115
Fixed epg list starttime for all timezones
(If you get a protocol error code remove the server.xml or use the new in the pack)


Yes I mean the dreamver.php. By a mistake I got an older version. I don't know how So I downloaded the 2 last againg in new directory's and deleted the old one.

Thanks for ansver again!

Sorry for extra work, and thanks for answer and checking info!

Best regards
