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How to make a package?

robertut's Photo robertut 22 Nov 2009

I updated the Hungarian translation for E1. I'll soon sumbit it to the CVS.
I'd also make a package for manual installation - is there a step-by-steb guide somewhere, how to do it? I need to make a correct package for manual installation, which includes the language file, the flag icon, the uninstaller.
Any help please?

hemertje's Photo hemertje 22 Nov 2009

Here we go again:

- Create the dreambox directorystructure of the package incl. the files on your PC, starting with /var
- FTP them to your box into the /tmp directory
- Change the rights of the binaires to 755 (for example the files in /var/bin or /usr/bin)
- Telnet to your dreambox to the /tmp directory
- Run from the /tmp directory the following command:

tar czvf tarbalname.tar.gz var

c = create
z = zip
v = verbose
f = to file

this wil create 'tarbalname.tar.gz' in the /tmp directory

robertut's Photo robertut 22 Nov 2009

Thanks. Couldn't find this anywhere, perhaps it should be added to the Wiki.

A couple of more questions:
- what's the path to store the flag icon? What should be the flag image filename?
- how should I make the uninstaller?
- is there any place where I could add some description info to the package? Like name - By default, in Language Selector setting window, Hungarian is displayed wrong "Magya" instead of "Magyar". Where is this string located?

dAF2000's Photo dAF2000 23 Nov 2009

There is already a flag icon for Hungary, I suppose. Anyway, the flag is stored in the image itself.
An uninstaller is not needed. During install, the uninstaller will be created automatically.

robertut's Photo robertut 23 Nov 2009

Thanks. And how about this problem:

in Language Selector setting window, Hungarian is displayed wrong "Magya" instead of "Magyar". Where is this string located?

Should I open a ticket for it?

hemertje's Photo hemertje 23 Nov 2009

seems like the hungarian translation need an update?

would you like to be our Hungarian translator?

dAF2000's Photo dAF2000 23 Nov 2009

Thanks. And how about this problem:

in Language Selector setting window, Hungarian is displayed wrong "Magya" instead of "Magyar". Where is this string located?

Should I open a ticket for it?

Please make a ticket for it. It's easy to fix I assume, but without a ticket I will forget it ;)

dAF2000's Photo dAF2000 23 Nov 2009

seems like the hungarian translation need an update?

would you like to be our Hungarian translator?

He already is ;)
See http://openpli.pli-i...s.org/ticket/99

@robertut: please check this link. Your translations were fine, but many translations were missing. Maybe you want to add those too.

robertut's Photo robertut 24 Nov 2009

seems like the hungarian translation need an update?

would you like to be our Hungarian translator?

He already is ;)
See http://openpli.pli-i...s.org/ticket/99

@robertut: please check this link. Your translations were fine, but many translations were missing. Maybe you want to add those too.

Yep, I'm ready with them, I was just testing their appearance on the screen, to make sure all strings fit in, and look reasonaby.
I didn't use your file, as I didn't notice it when I started working, but I think it's pretty complete now anyway.
The updated file can be found here: http://openpli.pli-i...s.org/ticket/99, see hu_updated_by_robertut.zip.

Posted Image

Can it be added to the downloads server, to be available for download from the software management menu?

robertut's Photo robertut 24 Nov 2009

Please make a ticket for it. It's easy to fix I assume, but without a ticket I will forget it ;)

Ticket posted.

robertut's Photo robertut 24 Nov 2009

There is already a flag icon for Hungary, I suppose. Anyway, the flag is stored in the image itself.

Isnt' this a waste of space in the image? To store all the flag icons inside, while only a couple of them are effectively used by everyone?
Why not store the flag icon in the downloadable langugage package?

robertut's Photo robertut 24 Nov 2009

I found a typo a couple minutes ago - updated the attached zip in the ticket again.

dAF2000's Photo dAF2000 25 Nov 2009

I get a mail of every change on all Enigma1 tickets. You don't have to post it in this thread ;)
It may take some days before I have enough time to do all the changes in OpenPLi and download server.

robertut's Photo robertut 25 Nov 2009

Cool, thanks, I'll keep an eye on them.

robertut's Photo robertut 1 Dec 2009

I can see that the updated language has been merged, thanks (http://openpli.pli-i...et/99#comment:9)
Is there any chance to see it on the downloads server, from the download menu of the box? Is that an automated process?

dAF2000's Photo dAF2000 1 Dec 2009

I can see that the updated language has been merged, thanks (http://openpli.pli-i...et/99#comment:9)
Is there any chance to see it on the downloads server, from the download menu of the box? Is that an automated process?

No, it's half automated. It's on my todo list to update all languages and add them to the download server.

robertut's Photo robertut 2 Dec 2009

Good, can't wait to see it :)

robertut's Photo robertut 16 Dec 2009

It's on my todo list to update all languages and add them to the download server.

May we all get a nice little Christmas present from you, and surprise us with the updated languages on the download server? :)
Do we deserve that, after making all the hard work of updating the translations for the community? :D I bet we all do! (I see quite a lot of updated langugaes lately for E1, it's not just me, who'd be happy, but the entire comunnity! :)

dAF2000's Photo dAF2000 10 Jan 2010

It's on my todo list to update all languages and add them to the download server.

May we all get a nice little Christmas present from you, and surprise us with the updated languages on the download server? :)
Do we deserve that, after making all the hard work of updating the translations for the community? :D I bet we all do! (I see quite a lot of updated langugaes lately for E1, it's not just me, who'd be happy, but the entire comunnity! :)

The languages are now on the download server for OpenPLi.
Sorry for the long delay. I had a busy time (and a non PLi social life ;))

robertut's Photo robertut 16 Jan 2010

The languages are now on the download server for OpenPLi.
Sorry for the long delay.

Only for OpenPLI? /images/smiley/more/confused.gif

Could you please add them to the previous images also (Jade2 and Jade3)?
It would be very important to have them available for older images too, since many of us still use Jade2 for daily purposes - as Jade3 and OpenPLi contain heavy bugs (DVB subtitles, rotor, movieplayer etc not working)

Could any of you copy the language files over for Jade2 (and Jade3) download?

Thanks a million in advance.