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Execute cgi script without using http / wget

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#1 shellux

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Geplaatst op 18 juni 2010 - 03:27

Hi all,
I'm a beginner fan of dreambox, I looking to coding some useful scripts, my question is :
there is any way to execute script located on cgi-bin folder without using http (wget & webserver) ?
I got tired to find cgi-bin folder and their scripts
Thank you

Re: Execute cgi script without using http / wget #2 nfnovice

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Geplaatst op 18 juni 2010 - 05:05

execute scripts can be done from telnet (putty) or from ppanel in the OSD
or even set to run with cron

not sure what you are after mate
DM800+DM7025+DM7020+DM7000+DM600+DM5620+DM500+VUDUO Dreambox great invention - whats it for ?

Re: Execute cgi script without using http / wget #3 Sjaaky

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Geplaatst op 18 juni 2010 - 10:24

Which box do you use? There is no cgi-bin directory with separate scripts. On enigma1 the cgi-bin requests are directly handled by enigma:
check the sources: http://openpli.pli-i...xbox/enigma/src search for "dyn_resolver->addDyn" in the enigma_dyn*.cpp files.

Re: Execute cgi script without using http / wget #4 shellux

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Geplaatst op 18 juni 2010 - 13:00

Thank you for your answers,
I would scripting (sh shell) inside DM500, so I need to know which folder contain the binary/script commands to control DM500 example satfinder, without using HTTP(wget username:pass@ ...)

Re: Execute cgi script without using http / wget #5 jimux

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Geplaatst op 24 augustus 2010 - 10:47

There is no problem with using wget commands from within a shell script. But a few hints to help you.

use the -O filename option to write results to a file, a /tmp/wgetout.tmp would remain until deleted or a system reboot.
ues -q to suppress progress feedback

end the command with >/dev/null to write result to the black hole.

wget -q -O/tmp/boxinfo.tmp - - writes a file of information

wget -q -O - 1&2 >/dev/null will reload the channle list and bouquets from file. Useful if you use an external method of editing the lamedb file as it is the only way to prevent the fie from being overwritten from memory during a shutdown/reboot sequence. As shown the command will execute without reporting results to the console.
Technomate box user (TM9100, TM800HD) and moderator on allsats.co.uk Linux/unix fan for many years.

Re: Execute cgi script without using http / wget #6 totaltv

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Geplaatst op 11 maart 2011 - 00:37

I have problem to execut script using cgi-bin on my dm500 E1

I have this

<execute name="reload Bouquest"
target="wget -O- -q"
confirmation = "Are you sure?"/>

Problem is the window of ppanle is freezing and I cannot close the window and I have to reboot.

How can I execute this command or script after closed window of PPanel? becouse this command is working well via telnet.
Or maybe another way

Maybe is there anather command to reload user bouquest ??

Please help.

Re: Execute cgi script without using http / wget #7 dAF2000

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Geplaatst op 19 maart 2011 - 11:52

<file name="reload Bouquest" url="" dontCheck="true"/>
Many answers to your question can be found in our wiki: http://openpli.org/wiki

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