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Infobar - Green button

PaphosAL's Photo PaphosAL 6 Sep 2010

The Green button in the Infobar is assigned to 'Sub Services' - which for us here in the UK, is as much use as a chocolate tea pot! I have never seen it light up green, in order for it to actually do anything!

So I was hoping to customize my OpenPLi image and map the infobar Green button to a more useful function. Hopefully- the 'Shutdown / Standby Menu', or maybe the 'Games' menu, or maybe even both- using short and long presses!

I have no problem in editing the root squashfs partition in a Ubuntu environment. And I know my target is: /share/tuxbox/enigma/resources/rcdm5xxx.xml and in particular, this line:

<action name="showSubservices" key="green" flags="m" />

But I'm stuck as to what I need to name the new action(s). Can one of you E1 enigma gurus help me out, please?

Many thanks- AL Posted Image