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Please help me with wireless and Vu+duo

's foto poliv123 9 sep 2010

Hi to all!!!!!!
I have a wireless stick( Ralink RT73)that works with other images but not with pli image!
Because i like very much pli images can you help me to configure it?
My network panel can not see the wireless stick.Why?
I have installed the latest pli image for vuduo.
Thank you!!!!

's foto poliv123 9 sep 2010

Maybe i have to buy other wireless stick to try again!
Thank you!

's foto VU+NL 9 sep 2010

An option that will work for sure, and make the box semi-wireless, is the use of a wireless-LAN bridge. I am going to do that as well. A bit more expensive, but far more easy to manage.

's foto poliv123 9 sep 2010

Thank you!