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Pli log-file

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#1 jimger

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Geplaatst op 14 oktober 2010 - 12:25

Hi I would like to know if there is any chance of finding when was the last login to my dm500 from ftp and what was the action that has been made during the last connection.....

Also I would like to know if there is any file that CCcam keeps its logged files...

And last question is if I am able using special software to retrieve deleted files after reboot....

THanks for your attention and I am expecting your answers asap!!!

Re: Pli log-file #2 dAF2000

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Geplaatst op 14 oktober 2010 - 13:41

Welcome here.
About CCcam: it does not create log files unless you write the output of CCcam to a file.

cccam -d > /media/hdd/logfile.txt will start CCcam and log it's output to the harddisk. Normally CCcam isn't started with "-d" etc. so you need to change the startup scripts if you want this.
Many answers to your question can be found in our wiki: http://openpli.org/wiki

Re: Pli log-file #3 jimger

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Geplaatst op 30 oktober 2010 - 19:49

Thanks for the answer.I also want to know if there is any way of recovering files and any logging af any action made in the dreambox for example remote log in etc....

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