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Please add new channel to Slovenia package


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#1 Taykun345

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Posted 8 December 2010 - 13:30

National Geographic Regional --> 1:0:1:3C:2:16E:9E0000:0:0:0: --> http://www.amistv.si...onal-geographic
FOX Crime --> 1:0:1:B:7725:16E:9E0000:0:0:0: --> http://www.amistv.si/spored2/fox-crime
FOX Life --> 1:0:1:1E:7725:16E:9E0000:0:0:0: --> http://www.amistv.si/spored2/fox-life
AXN Adria --> 1:0:1:73A:9E98:16E:9E0000:0:0:0: --> EPG doesnt work anymore. Which site are you using? http://www.axn.si/shows/schedule?

Re: Please add new channel to Slovenia package #2 doglover

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Posted 8 December 2010 - 14:56

National Geographic Regional --> 1:0:1:3C:2:16E:9E0000:0:0:0: --> http://www.amistv.si...onal-geographic
Is already included as NGC.sl

FOX Crime --> 1:0:1:B:7725:16E:9E0000:0:0:0: --> http://www.amistv.si/spored2/fox-crime

Added as FOXCrime.sl

FOX Life --> 1:0:1:1E:7725:16E:9E0000:0:0:0: --> http://www.amistv.si/spored2/fox-life

Added as FOXLife.sl

AXN Adria --> 1:0:1:73A:9E98:16E:9E0000:0:0:0: --> EPG doesnt work anymore. Which site are you using? http://www.axn.si/shows/schedule?

Corrected in the download


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Re: Please add new channel to Slovenia package #3 Taykun345

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Posted 8 December 2010 - 15:40

If NGC is already included than iam not getting any EPG...

NGC that is added as NGC.si is probably from 1W satellite. --> #SERVICE 1:0:1:407:3:1:E083163:0:0:0

I want that you also add NGC from 16E.

Re: Please add new channel to Slovenia package #4 doglover

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Posted 8 December 2010 - 16:22

Did not check this, because maintaining the channels file is performed by Rytec.

Anyway, I passed this on to him.


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Re: Please add new channel to Slovenia package #5 Taykun345

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Posted 13 December 2010 - 11:03

ok now it works!!!

I got feedback from other user about DVB-T channels which i dont have and cannot test. SLO1 and TV3 apperantly dont work?

#SERVICE 1:0:16:1:1:22c1:eeee0000:0:0:0: -->SLO1 --> http://www.amistv.si/spored2/slo-1
#SERVICE 1:0:16:9:4:22c1:eeee0000:0:0:0: -->TV3 --> http://www.amistv.si/spored2/tv-3

Please check if its everything ok with these two DVBT channels.


Re: Please add new channel to Slovenia package #6 doglover

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Posted 13 December 2010 - 13:26

SLO-1 should work. Data present and ref is incuded in the channels file

TV-3 was not included. I have added them now.


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Re: Please add new channel to Slovenia package #7 Taykun345

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Posted 12 January 2011 - 13:34

New channels to add:
Three channels are DVB-T, one is sat:

InfoTV: 1:0:1:B:9E34:16E:9E0000:0:0:0: -->http://www.amistv.si/spored2/info-tv --->this channel is already added as satellite channel on 16E sat but i want you to add this channel from DVB-T too!!!
Doma TV: 1:0:1:18:D602:20BF:EEEE0000:0:0:0: --> http://tvprofil.net/xmltv/ under Doma TV
RTL 2: 1:0:1:17:D602:20BF:EEEE0000:0:0:0: --> http://tvprofil.net/xmltv/ Under RTL 2
CMC (1W satellite): 1:0:1:C1C:9:1:E08B13F:0:0:0: ---> http://www.amistv.si/spored2/cmc


Re: Please add new channel to Slovenia package #8 doglover

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Posted 12 January 2011 - 13:52


As always, tomorrow available


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Re: Please add new channel to Slovenia package #9 Taykun345

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Posted 12 January 2011 - 14:12

sorry i made a mistake:

Service code for InfoTV is: 1:0:16:D:1:22C1:EEEE0000:0:0:0:

Re: Please add new channel to Slovenia package #10 rytec

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Posted 12 January 2011 - 22:04

sorry i made a mistake:

Service code for InfoTV is: 1:0:16:D:1:22C1:EEEE0000:0:0:0:

OK, I changed this.
~~Rytec Team~~ VU Ultimo / VU Uno / VU Solo / Panasonic TH42-PV700 *Pli/Rytec EPG POWERED*

Re: Please add new channel to Slovenia package #11 Taykun345

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Posted 14 January 2011 - 16:07

thanks, everything works

Re: Please add new channel to Slovenia package #12 Taykun345

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Posted 13 February 2011 - 12:22

Doglover please change service ID of History Channel HD (it moved to another frequency):
New service id is: 1:0:1:106A:29:46:E080000:0:0:0:

This is for Slovenia package.

Re: Please add new channel to Slovenia package #13 rytec

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Posted 14 February 2011 - 14:48

Doglover please change service ID of History Channel HD (it moved to another frequency):
New service id is: 1:0:1:106A:29:46:E080000:0:0:0:

This is for Slovenia package.

OK, changed the service code and uploaded new file
~~Rytec Team~~ VU Ultimo / VU Uno / VU Solo / Panasonic TH42-PV700 *Pli/Rytec EPG POWERED*

Re: Please add new channel to Slovenia package #14 Taykun345

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Posted 4 April 2011 - 16:53

Please add new channel:

CMC (DVB-T) = 1:0:1:36B3:D604:20BF:EEEE0000:0:0:0: --> http://www.amistv.si/spored2/cmc

There is already CMC included in Slovenia package BUT it is located on 1W satelite!! This one is DVB-T channel.

And one question. Can you check this site: http://mojtvportal.s...8/fox-life.aspx
Can you use this site? Iam especially interested in

Re: Please add new channel to Slovenia package #15 doglover

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Posted 4 April 2011 - 17:13

I am using : http://mojtv.hr/kana.../3/nova-tv.aspx

so this would also be possible I presume.

Pls. tell me which channels you want moved.


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Re: Please add new channel to Slovenia package #16 Taykun345

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Posted 4 April 2011 - 19:08

Thanks for fast answer. I will let you know about channels...

Another question!
For example (from your link), would text in italic be present in EPG description?

Najbolje godine
telenovela, ep. 11
Dino prijeteći pištoljem optuži Ranka da ga je izdao. Ranko se brani. Dino zatim optuži Laleta i uspije iz njega izvući da je samo štitio Dunju. Ranko se prestraši za Dunju. Dino zaprijeti Dunji i kaže joj da će je ostaviti živu samo zato što nosi njegovo dijete.Inspektor ispituje Gorana koji nipošto ne želi odati Ranka. I dalje ustraje u tvrdnji da je krivac Dino. Danica moli Đuku da pomogne osloboditi Gorana. Đuka je posluša i zaprijeti inspektoru da oslobodi nevinog dečka. Busa se da je grof na što inspektor odgovori da ne ometaju policijsku istragu. Policajac i inspektor odlaze s Goranom iz Dragošja.Lale s koferom i putnom torbom upada u ordinaciju i na galamu uvjeri Melitu da ga prati Njih dvoje hitno idu za Zagreb, a Lale ne otkriva pravi razlog.

Re: Please add new channel to Slovenia package #17 doglover

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Posted 5 April 2011 - 09:03

I do not see why not. Italic is a simple control character, which can be skipped. It would not be presented in Italic.


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Re: Please add new channel to Slovenia package #18 Taykun345

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Posted 8 April 2011 - 10:53

Thanks, CMC channel works ok.

I made a list of channels that need to have alternative source of EPG. Some channels are already included in Slovenia package, some arent.

Attached Files

Re: Please add new channel to Slovenia package #19 doglover

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Posted 8 April 2011 - 13:47

The updated channels will be available from tomorrow.

The added channels may take a bit longer.


~~Rytec Team~~
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Re: Please add new channel to Slovenia package #20 Taykun345

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Posted 11 April 2011 - 09:58

SCI-FI --> 1:0:1:3A36:1FA4:13E:820000:0:0:0: -- http://mojtv.hr/kana...fi-channel.aspx
SLO 1 -- 1:0:16:1:1:22C1:EEEE0000:0:0:0: -- http://mojtvportal.s...lovenija-1.aspx
SLO 2 -- 1:0:16:2:1:22C1:EEEE0000:0:0:0: -- http://mojtvportal.s...lovenija-2.aspx
TV3 -- 1:0:16:9:4:22C1:EEEE0000:0:0:0: -- http://mojtvportal.s...red/23/tv3.aspx
POPTV -- 1:0:16:6:1:22C1:EEEE0000:0:0:0: -- http://mojtvportal.s.../17/pop-tv.aspx
KanalA -- 1:0:16:7:1:22C1:EEEE0000:0:0:0: -- http://mojtvportal.s...18/kanal-a.aspx
Pink.si -- 1:0:16:11:4:22C1:EEEE0000:0:0:0: -- http://mojtvportal.s...200/pinksi.aspx
DomaTV -- 1:0:1:18:D602:20BF:EEEE0000:0:0:0: -- http://mojtvportal.s...85/doma-tv.aspx
RTL2 -- 1:0:1:17:D602:20BF:EEEE0000:0:0:0: -- http://mojtvportal.s...d/186/rtl2.aspx
Htv1 -- 1:0:1:1:D601:20BF:EEEE0000:0:0:0: -- http://mojtvportal.s...red/1/htv1.aspx
HTV2 -- 1:0:1:2:D601:20BF:EEEE0000:0:0:0: -- http://mojtvportal.s...red/2/htv2.aspx
NOVA TV -- 1:0:1:4:D601:20BF:EEEE0000:0:0:0: -- http://mojtvportal.s.../3/nova-tv.aspx
National Geo. -- 1:0:1:407:3:1:E083163:0:0:0: -- http://mojtvportal.s...geographic.aspx
Discovery Channel -- 1:0:1:AA0:6:1:E08B162:0:0:0: -- http://mojtvportal.s...ry-channel.aspx
Animal planet -- 1:0:1:403:2:1:E0831B3:0:0:0: --http://mojtvportal.si/kanal/tv-spored/212/animal-planet.aspx

Can you please double check if source was replaced correctly? SLO 1, SLO 2, NGC, Discovery and Animal P. are still receiving EPG from old source. I am not sure about others (POPTV, TV3, KANALA, pink.si)
And new channels still havent been added (DomaTV, RTL2, htv1,2, NOVAtv, SCI-fi ...)

Also i forgot this channel. Please add it.
RTL Televizija -- 1:0:1:3:D601:20BF:EEEE0000:0:0:0: --http://mojtv.hr/kanal/tv-program/4/rtl.aspx

Thank you very much for your help maintaining this package!


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