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Add romainian channel support ??


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#1 linuxgeek

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Posted 8 December 2010 - 22:00


is there a way to add support for Romanian channels on 4.8 east and 1 west ?



Re: Add romainian channel support ?? #2 hemertje

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Posted 9 December 2010 - 08:14


on the Glassfibre 1GB DVB-C...

Re: Add romainian channel support ?? #3 linuxgeek

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Posted 9 December 2010 - 10:34

here are the channels Id like adding

especially the 4.8 east ones as thats my local card and the vu dose not even give now next atm

Attached Files

Re: Add romainian channel support ?? #4 doglover

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Posted 9 December 2010 - 13:54

We will do some research on the subject. I will contact you when I have something to test.


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Re: Add romainian channel support ?? #5 linuxgeek

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Posted 9 December 2010 - 14:07

thank you

Re: Add romainian channel support ?? #6 doglover

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Posted 9 December 2010 - 16:08

It seems that I can download the epg for at least some of your channels. See website: http://programetv.pr....ro/post/tvr-1/
It will take me however some time to compile the list. (I have to setup each channel separate).

But be assured - you will get epg.


~~Rytec Team~~
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Re: Add romainian channel support ?? #7 linuxgeek

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Posted 9 December 2010 - 17:47

that will be very cool

thanks again

Re: Add romainian channel support ?? #8 doglover

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Posted 10 December 2010 - 11:22

You have listed in your settinglist a bunch of czech, slowak, hungarian and ex-yu channels.

These should have epg via the package for that country. Could you try these packages and see if they have epg. If not we should add the needed channels links. Pls. list the missing channels (or if none say none - and i will pick up the channels from the info you already provided)

For the romanian channels I have created a new XMLTV file. Could you try it be placing the attached files in etc/epgimport, and import the Test Romania XMLTV source.

I cannot try this myself since I do not have Sirius or Thor.


Attached Files

~~Rytec Team~~
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Re: Add romainian channel support ?? #9 linuxgeek

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Posted 10 December 2010 - 11:51

thank you

just done a quick test and seems to be working on my card Akta card channels :)

have to go to work but will test more later

will this be added to the main rytec now ?

Re: Add romainian channel support ?? #10 doglover

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Posted 10 December 2010 - 12:06

will this be added to the main rytec now ?

I will evetually be added. But first we have to iron out any mistakes.


~~Rytec Team~~
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Re: Add romainian channel support ?? #11 rytec

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Posted 22 December 2010 - 14:42

Added Romania source to rytec.sources.xml and should be usuable in about one or two hours.
~~Rytec Team~~ VU Ultimo / VU Uno / VU Solo / Panasonic TH42-PV700 *Pli/Rytec EPG POWERED*

Re: Add romainian channel support ?? #12 Alex_NL

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Posted 3 April 2017 - 21:45

Romanian channels without EPG:

Diva Romania     1:0:1:262:0:1:30300F:0:0:0:       http://tv.acasa.ro/program-tv-diva-universal
Diva Romania     1:0:1:1F5:0:1:30300F:0:0:0:
Diva Romania     1:0:1:76CA:2C0:600:E080000:0:0:0:
Diva Romania     1:0:1:3F4:2:1:E0831B3:0:0:0:
Pro TV           1:0:1:3EB:2:1:E0831B3:0:0:0:      (same as 1:0:1:1DB1:BC6:3:EB0000:0:0:0:)
Pro TV           1:0:1:78BE:2C5:600:E080000:0:0:0:
Pro TV           1:0:1:FFA:D:1:E082E2F:0:0:0:
HBO Romania      1:0:1:400:2:1:E0831B3:0:0:0:      http://tv.acasa.ro/?q=HBO or http://www.hbo.ro/schedule
HBO Romania      1:0:1:7797:2C2:600:E080000:0:0:0:
HBO 3            1:0:1:3FC:1:1:E08318F:0:0:0:      http://tv.acasa.ro/?q=HBO or http://www.hbo.ro/schedule
SuperOne         1:0:1:409:2:1:E0831B3:0:0:0:
Neptun TV        1:0:1:D52:2:1:E0831B3:0:0:0:      http://tv.acasa.ro/?q=Neptun
Neptun TV        1:0:1:B:1F4:5:A00000:0:0:0:
Pro Cinema       1:0:1:492:7:1:E08313F:0:0:0:      (same as 1:0:1:1DB4:BC6:3:EB0000:0:0:0: and 1:0:16:8:1F4:5:A00000:0:0:0:)
Pro Cinema       1:0:1:766C:2BF:600:E080000:0:0:0:
Pro TV International 1:0:1:B9A:7:1:E08313F:0:0:0:  (same as 1:0:1:1DB3:BC6:3:EB0000:0:0:0:)
Pro TV International 1:0:1:9:2:16E:A00000:0:0:0:
Kanal D Romania  1:0:1:B86:7:1:E08313F:0:0:0:      (same as 1:0:1:2:1F4:5:A00000:0:0:0:)
Kanal D Romania  1:0:1:76D0:2C0:600:E080000:0:0:0:
Kanal D Romania  1:0:1:1:1:1:A0B114:0:0:0:
Sport.ro         1:0:1:3F7:4:1:E0830EF:0:0:0:      (same as 1:0:1:1DB5:BC6:3:EB0000:0:0:0:)
Sport.ro         1:0:1:76CE:2C0:600:E080000:0:0:0:
Romania TV       1:0:1:4A1:7:1:E08313F:0:0:0:      http://tv.acasa.ro/?q=Romania+TV
Romania TV       1:0:1:416:3:1111:E08B0A8:0:0:0:
Romania TV       1:0:1:A:1F4:5:A00000:0:0:0:
TVR 1            1:0:1:3E9:1:1:E08318F:0:0:0:      (same as 1:0:1:1:C8:1:A0ACF8:0:0:0:)
TVR 1            1:0:1:76C2:2C0:600:E080000:0:0:0:
Prima TV         1:0:1:3EE:1:1:E08318F:0:0:0:      (same as 1:0:1:1:1F4:5:A00000:0:0:0:)
Prima TV         1:0:1:76C6:2C0:600:E080000:0:0:0:
Realitatea TV    1:0:1:3EF:1:1:E08318F:0:0:0:      (same as 1:0:1:64:B0:64:A00000:0:0:0:)
Realitatea TV    1:0:1:76C7:2C0:600:E080000:0:0:0:
B1               1:0:1:3F0:1:1:E08318F:0:0:0:      http://www.b1.ro/program
B1               1:0:1:7789:2C2:600:E080000:0:0:0:
Digi Sport 1 Ro  1:0:1:3F5:7:1:E08313F:0:0:0:      http://tv.acasa.ro/?q=Digi
Digi Sport 1 Ro  1:0:1:FE6:D:1:E082E2F:0:0:0:
DIGI Sport 2 Ro  1:0:1:3F2:1:1:E08318F:0:0:0:      http://www.digisport.ro/Program/DigiSport+2/ or http://tv.acasa.ro/sport?q=Digi+Sport      
DIGI Sport 2 Ro  1:0:1:FF0:D:1:E082E2F:0:0:0:
DIGI Sport 3 Ro  1:0:1:40C:C:1:E082E7C:0:0:0:      http://tv.acasa.ro/sport?q=Digi+Sport of http://www.digisport.ro/Program/DigiSport+3/
DIGI Sport 4 Ro  1:0:1:3F1:1:1:E08318F:0:0:0:      http://www.digisport.ro/Program/DigiSport+4/
Digi 24          1:0:1:3F6:7:1:E08313F:0:0:0:      http://tv.acasa.ro/?q=Digi24
Digi Film        1:0:1:1770:7:1:E08313F:0:0:0:     http://tv.acasa.ro/?q=Digi+Film
TVH              1:0:1:1:0:0:DE82D46:0:0:0:        same as 1:0:1:D2A:1:1:E08318F:0:0:0:
TV Paprika       1:0:1:3EC:5:1111:E082DE3:0:0:0:   http://www.tvpaprika.ro/Program
TV Paprika       1:0:1:CB2:A:1:E08B113:0:0:0:
Speranta TV      1:0:1:CDA:A:1:E08B113:0:0:0:      http://www.sperantatv.ro/program-tv/
Taraf TV         1:0:1:D34:C:1:E082E7C:0:0:0:      same as 1:0:1:2:773:773:A00000:0:0:0:
Agro TV          1:0:1:D48:C:1:E082E7C:0:0:0:      https://www.agro-tv.ro/program-agro-tv/ ?
National TV      1:0:16:A:64:64:A00000:0:0:0:      same as 1:0:1:3:1F4:5:A00000:0:0:0:
National TV      1:0:1:DB6:C:1:E082E7C:0:0:0:      wrong EPG (OCS City?)
Look Plus        1:0:1:D84:C:1:E082E7C:0:0:0:      http://looktv.ro/program-look-plus/#unid_69be1d04-d72f-f73c-410e-f91c0f67502a
National Geographic Romania  1:0:1:3FE:1:1:E08318F:0:0:0:  http://www.natgeotv.com/ro/grila/natgeo
National Geographic Romania  1:0:1:78BC:2C5:600:E080000:0:0:0:
NatGeo Wild Ro   1:0:1:DE8:C:1:E082E7C:0:0:0:      http://www.natgeotv.com/ro/grila/natgeowild
NatGeo Wild Ro   1:0:1:BBE:3:1111:E08B0A8:0:0:0:   wrong EPG (Look TV?)
Publika TV       1:0:1:414:3:1111:E08B0A8:0:0:0:   http://www.publika.md/program.html
Credo TV         1:0:1:415:3:1111:E08B0A8:0:0:0:   https://www.credo.tv/index.php/live-2
Bo TV            1:0:1:BBC:3:1111:E08B0A8:0:0:0:   https://www.horizon.tv/ro_ro/tv-guide.html (channel 143)
Mooz Dance       1:0:1:BC0:3:1111:E08B0A8:0:0:0:   same as 1:0:19:BBD:3:1111:E08B0A8:0:0:0:
Digi Life        1:0:1:604:4:1:E0830EF:0:0:0:      http://www.digi-life.tv/ghid-digi-tv/
Acasa Gold       1:0:1:55A:4:1:E0830EF:0:0:0:      same as 1:0:1:1DB7:BC6:3:EB0000:0:0:0:
Acasa Gold       1:0:1:76C4:2C0:600:E080000:0:0:0: 
Acasa TV         1:0:1:55C:4:1:E0830EF:0:0:0:      same as 1:0:1:1DB2:BC6:3:EB0000:0:0:0:
Acasa TV         1:0:1:778A:2C2:600:E080000:0:0:0:
Favorit TV       1:0:1:55F:4:1:E0830EF:0:0:0:      same as 1:0:16:20:64:64:A00000:0:0:0: 
Favorit TV       1:0:1:76C9:2C0:600:E080000:0:0:0:
TVR 2            1:0:1:3ED:4:1:E0830EF:0:0:0:      same as 1:0:1:2:C8:1:A0ACF8:0:0:0:
TVR 2            1:0:1:76C3:2C0:600:E080000:0:0:0:
TVR 3            1:0:1:7792:2C2:600:E080000:0:0:0: same as 1:0:1:3:C8:1:A0ACF8:0:0:0:
Film Cafe        1:0:1:497:4:1:E0830EF:0:0:0:      same as 1:0:1:7663:2BF:600:E080000:0:0:0: 
Film Cafe        1:0:1:76CB:2C0:600:E080000:0:0:0:
Film Cafe        1:0:1:A28:5:1:E083113:0:0:0:
Digi World Romania  1:0:1:3FD:4:1:E0830EF:0:0:0:   http://www.digi-world.tv/ghid-digi-tv/
Zu TV            1:0:1:7793:2C2:600:E080000:0:0:0: same as 1:0:1:5:1:1:A0AB7B:0:0:0:
National 24 Plus 1:0:1:778B:2C2:600:E080000:0:0:0: same as 1:0:16:16:64:64:A00000:0:0:0:
AXN Romania      1:0:1:2AFD:B:1111:E082F3C:0:0:0:  http://www.axn.ro/program
Inedit TV        1:0:1:2B00:B:1111:E082F3C:0:0:0:  http://www.inedittv.ro/program
TV Sudest        1:0:1:2B01:B:1111:E082F3C:0:0:0:  http://www.tvsudest.ro/ ?
Antena 1         1:0:1:1:0:16E:A00000:0:0:0:       http://a1.ro/tv/program-tv/ same as 1:0:1:76CC:2C0:600:E080000:0:0:0: ?
Antena Stars     1:0:1:2:0:16E:A00000:0:0:0:       same as 1:0:1:78C5:2C5:600:E080000:0:0:0:
Antena 3         1:0:1:3:0:16E:A00000:0:0:0:       same as 1:0:1:76C1:2C0:600:E080000:0:0:0:
Happy Channel    1:0:1:4:0:16E:A00000:0:0:0:       same as 1:0:1:7667:2BF:600:E080000:0:0:0:
Antena International 1:0:1:6:0:16E:A00000:0:0:0:   ?
TVR Moldova      1:0:1:4:C8:1:A0ACF8:0:0:0:        http://tvrmoldova.md/program/
TVR HD           1:0:1:F:C8:1:A0ACF8:0:0:0:        http://tvrhd.tvr.ro ?
AXN Spin Romana  1:0:16:77A:C6D4:16E:A00000:0:0:0: http://www.axnspin.ro/
Alfa Omega TV    1:0:1:7:773:773:A00000:0:0:0:     http://alfaomega.tv/canal-tv/programul-tv#axzz4dDjjX2BH
West TV Regional 1:0:1:8:773:773:A00000:0:0:0:     http://www.westtv.ro/programul.html

Also found this guide: https://www.horizon....o/tv-guide.html

Dreambox DM920:2x Triple tuner (2x DVB-S2X MIS and DVB-C/T2) Xtrend ET10000: 2x DVB-S2, 2x DVB-C, IPTV Xtrend ET9500 (defect)
Channel Master 120cm offset + Black Ultra LNB (Ku-band): 42°E-37,5°W - 100cm SAB draaibaar: 45.1°E-60°E - 80cm vast: 28.2°E/23.5°E/19.2°E/13°E
DVB-T2 en DAB via een combi VHF/UHF-antenne op zolder gericht op Schoten.

Re: Add romainian channel support ?? #13 doglover

  • Rytec EPG Team
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Posted 4 April 2017 - 07:17

I wonder if somebody still using this source.

Yes Alex_NL.  But anything more?


In this case, would it not be better just to scrap this?



~~Rytec Team~~
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Re: Add romainian channel support ?? #14 Alex_NL

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Posted 6 April 2017 - 00:19

You can wonder why, but why even started with a Romanian EPG in the first place?
When you asked the same question with Czech/Slovak EPG a lot of people seemed to use it.


For me I would like English EPG on all channels, but that's not possible. F.e. it is a pity there was no Greek EPG in English anymore.
But I'd rather have some EPG on every channel than no EPG at all. And because I disabled all other EPG, I'm depended on xmltv-EPG.

But it's not up to me if a source needs to be continuated or not.

Dreambox DM920:2x Triple tuner (2x DVB-S2X MIS and DVB-C/T2) Xtrend ET10000: 2x DVB-S2, 2x DVB-C, IPTV Xtrend ET9500 (defect)
Channel Master 120cm offset + Black Ultra LNB (Ku-band): 42°E-37,5°W - 100cm SAB draaibaar: 45.1°E-60°E - 80cm vast: 28.2°E/23.5°E/19.2°E/13°E
DVB-T2 en DAB via een combi VHF/UHF-antenne op zolder gericht op Schoten.

Re: Add romainian channel support ?? #15 doglover

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Posted 6 April 2017 - 07:15

It was starte because somebody asked for it.

But as you can see nobody as requested a change, which is impossible (channels are moved around continuously) As a result most of the package is outdated at the moment.


However, I will update it after I am done with other updates.  (I will put it on the todo list - but not with an high priority)



~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
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Synology NAS

Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E

Re: Add romainian channel support ?? #16 Alex_NL

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Posted 6 April 2017 - 07:34

Some changes are not that old because the Romanian channels on 23.5E have EPG and they are very recent.

Dreambox DM920:2x Triple tuner (2x DVB-S2X MIS and DVB-C/T2) Xtrend ET10000: 2x DVB-S2, 2x DVB-C, IPTV Xtrend ET9500 (defect)
Channel Master 120cm offset + Black Ultra LNB (Ku-band): 42°E-37,5°W - 100cm SAB draaibaar: 45.1°E-60°E - 80cm vast: 28.2°E/23.5°E/19.2°E/13°E
DVB-T2 en DAB via een combi VHF/UHF-antenne op zolder gericht op Schoten.

Re: Add romainian channel support ?? #17 Alex_NL

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Posted 6 April 2017 - 20:00

Extra addition, found on 13E:

1:0:1:132C:33F4:13E:820000:0:0:0:  TVR International (same as 1:0:1:6:C8:1:A0ACF8:0:0:0:)

Dreambox DM920:2x Triple tuner (2x DVB-S2X MIS and DVB-C/T2) Xtrend ET10000: 2x DVB-S2, 2x DVB-C, IPTV Xtrend ET9500 (defect)
Channel Master 120cm offset + Black Ultra LNB (Ku-band): 42°E-37,5°W - 100cm SAB draaibaar: 45.1°E-60°E - 80cm vast: 28.2°E/23.5°E/19.2°E/13°E
DVB-T2 en DAB via een combi VHF/UHF-antenne op zolder gericht op Schoten.

Re: Add romainian channel support ?? #18 doglover

  • Rytec EPG Team
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Posted 7 April 2017 - 09:10

Started on adding channels.

It seems that most I already grab.


One problem:


National TV            wrong EPG (OCS City?)

In the Slovenian file:
<channel id="Mezzo.svn">1:0:1:DB6:C:1:E082E7C:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- MEZZO -->


I probably have to delete this on in the Slovenian file.




PS: I am only part through the list.  But uploaded it now, since my time is up now (have to go to fysio, because i injured my left arm)

~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
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Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E

Re: Add romainian channel support ?? #19 doglover

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Posted 7 April 2017 - 13:12

Small probnlem:


You say:


Happy Channel    1:0:1:4:0:16E:A00000:0:0:0:       same as 1:0:1:7667:2BF:600:E080000:0:0:0:


I have linked to that channel:


<channel id="EuforiaLifestyle.ro">1:0:1:7667:2BF:600:E080000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- Euforia Lifestyle -->


<channel id="Viasat3.hu">1:0:1:7667:2BF:600:E080000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- Viasat3 -->


Both have a schedule grabbed.  So one or both are not correct.  Which one?



Edited by doglover, 7 April 2017 - 13:12.

~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
Mutant HD2400 OpenPli
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Synology NAS

Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E

Re: Add romainian channel support ?? #20 doglover

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Posted 7 April 2017 - 13:57

West Tv regional is going to be problematic.

On the website:


Marti, 27 Septembrie 2016
07:00 - Monitorul de seară (REL)


Very old schedule!!!!



~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
Mutant HD2400 OpenPli
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Synology NAS

Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E

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