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Which source to use?

's foto Rob3rt 15 jan 2011

If I want to add "kabel deutchland kabel" channels to the EPG which source must I add?
I added the german channels but these channels are not listed.

some channels are:
AXN Action
AXN Action (engl)
kabel eins classics
Kinowelt TV
Select Kino Info
Select Kino 1
Select Kino 2
Select Kino 3
Select Kino 4
Select Kino 5
Select Kino 6
Select Kino 7
TNT Film (engl)
TNT Film

Who can advise which source to use?

's foto rytec 17 jan 2011

You must use Germany source for this but ofcourse it could be these channels are not noted in the channelfile.
So please be kind and put the servicecode behind these names so we can check them.

(the select channels are not implemented because no epg is found)