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Open Pli 2.0 wifi configuratie geeft crashlog


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4 replies to this topic

#1 adri

  • Senior Member
  • 373 posts


Posted 15 January 2011 - 16:37

Ik draai de Open-PLI 2.0 van 13 januari 2011.
Als ik probeer de wifi instellingen te doen via 'menu - setup - network - wireless - adapter settings', dan krijg ik eerst een foutmelding dat de 'wireless plugin' niet geinstalleerd is.
Deze kan ik via 'Plugins - system plugins' downloaden en installeren.
Als ik dan nogmaals probeer de wifi instellingen te doen, volgt een crash met een groen scherm.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<crashdate>Sat Jan 15 16:22:10 2011</crashdate>
		<compiledate>Jan 13 2011</compiledate>
		<!-- Please email this crashlog to above address -->
		<sourcedate>Jan 13 2011</sourcedate>
		<branch>(no branch)</branch>
		<kernelcmdline>root=/dev/mtdblock3 rootfstype=jffs2 rw console=null</kernelcmdline>
			<!-- No such file or directory -->
OpenEmbedded Linux %h

openpli 2.0 %h

next real activation is Tue Jan 18 19:19:40 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295103284 (in 99997 ms)
[EPGC] 3107953 bytes for cache used
It's now  Sat Jan 15 15:53:29 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295103309 (in 99998 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 15:53:29 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295103309 (in 99997 ms)
[EPGC] 3105564 bytes for cache used
[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] no transponder tuned... or no TDT/TOT avail .. try to use RTC :)
[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] RTC time is 15:54:08
[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] Receiver time is 15:54:10
[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] RTC to Receiver time difference is 2 seconds
[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] set Linux Time to RTC Time
[EPGC] 3105564 bytes for cache used
It's now  Sat Jan 15 15:54:42 2011
next real activation is Tue Jan 18 19:19:40 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295103382 (in 99997 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 15:55:07 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295103407 (in 99998 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 15:55:07 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295103407 (in 99997 ms)
[EPGC] 3104090 bytes for cache used
[EPGC] 3104090 bytes for cache used
It's now  Sat Jan 15 15:56:22 2011
next real activation is Tue Jan 18 19:19:40 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295103482 (in 99997 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 15:56:47 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295103507 (in 99998 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 15:56:47 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295103507 (in 99997 ms)
[EPGC] 3104090 bytes for cache used
It's now  Sat Jan 15 15:58:02 2011
next real activation is Tue Jan 18 19:19:40 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295103582 (in 99997 ms)
[EPGC] 3103920 bytes for cache used
It's now  Sat Jan 15 15:58:27 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295103607 (in 99999 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 15:58:27 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295103607 (in 99997 ms)
[EPGC] 3103920 bytes for cache used
It's now  Sat Jan 15 15:59:42 2011
next real activation is Tue Jan 18 19:19:40 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295103682 (in 99997 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:00:07 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295103707 (in 99998 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:00:07 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295103707 (in 99997 ms)
[EPGC] 3095840 bytes for cache used
[EPGC] 3095840 bytes for cache used
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:01:22 2011
next real activation is Tue Jan 18 19:19:40 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295103782 (in 99998 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:01:47 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295103807 (in 99998 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:01:47 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295103807 (in 99997 ms)
[EPGC] 3095806 bytes for cache used
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:03:02 2011
next real activation is Tue Jan 18 19:19:40 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295103882 (in 99997 ms)
[EPGC] 3095725 bytes for cache used
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:03:27 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295103907 (in 99998 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:03:27 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295103907 (in 99997 ms)
[EPGC] 3095725 bytes for cache used
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:04:42 2011
next real activation is Tue Jan 18 19:19:40 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295103982 (in 99997 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:05:07 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104007 (in 99998 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:05:07 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104007 (in 99997 ms)
[EPGC] 3094948 bytes for cache used
[EPGC] 3094869 bytes for cache used
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:06:22 2011
next real activation is Tue Jan 18 19:19:40 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104082 (in 99997 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:06:47 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104107 (in 99999 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:06:47 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104107 (in 99997 ms)
[EPGC] 3094869 bytes for cache used
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:08:02 2011
next real activation is Tue Jan 18 19:19:40 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104182 (in 99997 ms)
[EPGC] 3094869 bytes for cache used
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:08:27 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104207 (in 99998 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:08:27 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104207 (in 99997 ms)
[EPGC] 3094789 bytes for cache used
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:09:42 2011
next real activation is Tue Jan 18 19:19:40 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104282 (in 99997 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:10:07 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104307 (in 99998 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:10:07 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104307 (in 99997 ms)
[EPGC] 3093871 bytes for cache used
[EPGC] 3093871 bytes for cache used
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:11:22 2011
next real activation is Tue Jan 18 19:19:40 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104382 (in 99997 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:11:47 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104407 (in 99998 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:11:47 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104407 (in 99997 ms)
[EPGC] 3093790 bytes for cache used
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:13:02 2011
next real activation is Tue Jan 18 19:19:40 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104482 (in 99997 ms)
[EPGC] 3093790 bytes for cache used
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:13:27 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104507 (in 99999 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:13:27 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104507 (in 99997 ms)
[EPGC] 3093790 bytes for cache used
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:14:42 2011
next real activation is Tue Jan 18 19:19:40 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104582 (in 99997 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:15:07 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104607 (in 99998 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:15:07 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104607 (in 99997 ms)
[EPGC] 3092560 bytes for cache used
[EPGC] 3092560 bytes for cache used
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:16:22 2011
next real activation is Tue Jan 18 19:19:40 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104682 (in 99997 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:16:47 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104707 (in 99998 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:16:47 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104707 (in 99997 ms)
[EPGC] 3092560 bytes for cache used
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:18:02 2011
next real activation is Tue Jan 18 19:19:40 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104782 (in 99997 ms)
[EPGC] 3092489 bytes for cache used
action ->  StandbyActions power
leave standby
cannot open /proc/stb/audio/j1_mute(No such file or directory)
playing 1:0:1:2:64:64:2120000:0:0:0:
not pauseable.
RemovePopup, id = ZapError
allocate channel.. 0064:0064
opening frontend 0
Entry for 53,0? not in Rotor Table found... i try gotoXX?
siteLatitude = 52.368999, siteLongitude = 4.940000, 53.000000 degrees
RotorCmd = e343
RotorCmd e343, lastRotorCmd e343
prepare_sat System 0 Freq 11161000 Pol 1 SR 5785000 INV 2 FEC 0 orbpos 530 system 0 modulation 1 pilot 2, rolloff 0
tuning to 1411 mhz
OURSTATE: tuning
allocate Channel: res 0
[eDVBCIInterfaces] addPMTHandler 1:0:1:2:64:64:2120000:0:0:0:
allocate demux
setLCDBrightness 127
[FanControl]: setting fan values: fanid = 0, voltage = 15, pwm = 0
[SEC] set static current limiting
[SEC] setVoltage 1
[SEC] sleep 10ms
set sequence pos 3
[SEC] update current switch params
[SEC] startTuneTimeout 20000
[SEC] setFrontend 1
setting frontend 0
[SEC] sleep 500ms
(0)fe event: status 0, inversion off, m_tuning 1
(0)fe event: status 1, inversion off, m_tuning 2
(0)fe event: status 1f, inversion off, m_tuning 3
[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] channel 0x17722c8 running
no version filtering
0014:  70 00 00 00 00 00
mask:  fc 00 00 00 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 00 00 00
[eEPGCache] channel 0x17722c8 running
stop release channel timer
[EPGC] next update in 2 sec
no version filtering
0012:  4e 00 02 00 00 00
mask:  ff ff ff 00 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 00 00 00
ok ... now we start!!
no version filtering
0000:  00 00 00 00 00 00
mask:  ff 00 00 00 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 00 00 00
eventNewProgramInfo 0 0
have 1 video stream(s) (0065), and 1 audio stream(s) (0066), and the pcr pid is 0065, and the text pid is ffffffff
allocate demux
disable teletext subtitles
PES filter: DMX_SET_PES_FILTER - Invalid argument
decoder state: play, vpid=101, apid=102
DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x65) - pcr - ok
DEMUX_START - pcr - ok
DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x66) - audio - ok
DEMUX_START - audio - ok
Video Device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0
demux device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0
DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x65) - video - ok
DEMUX_START - video - ok
not pauseable.
[AutoRes] service changed
[SEC] set dynamic current limiting
+ 1/1 TID 00
no version filtering
0064:  02 00 02 00 00 00
mask:  ff ff ff 00 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 00 00 00
doing version filtering
0000:  00 00 00 03 00 00
mask:  ff 00 00 3f 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 3e 00 00
sdt update done!
-+ 1/2 TID 4e
+ 1/1 TID 02
eventNewProgramInfo 0 0
have 1 video stream(s) (0065), and 1 audio stream(s) (0066), and the pcr pid is 0065, and the text pid is ffffffff
PES filter: DMX_SET_PES_FILTER - Invalid argument
decoder state: play, vpid=101, apid=102
[eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:1:2:64:64:2120000:0:0:0:
[eDVBCAService] add demux 0 to slot 0 service 1:0:1:2:64:64:2120000:0:0:0:
[eDVBCIInterfaces] gotPMT
demux 0 mask 01 prevhash 00000000
doing version filtering
0064:  02 00 02 01 00 00
mask:  ff ff ff 3f 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 3e 00 00
++ 2/2 TID 4e
doing version filtering
0012:  4e 00 02 01 00 00
mask:  ff ff ff 3f 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 3e 00 00
[AutoRes] determineContent
[AutoRes] switch deinterlacer mode to auto
[AutoRes] new content is 720x576i25
[AutoRes] determined videomode 576p
[EPGC] start caching events(1295104698)
[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff is -235178500
[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] we have correction 235178501
[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff after add correction is 1
[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] update stored correction to 235178500 (calced against RTC time)
[eDVBLocalTimerHandler] not changed
[EPGC] abort non avail nownext reading
[EPGC] abort non avail schedule reading
[EPGC] abort non avail schedule other reading
[EPGC] abort non avail FreeSat schedule_other reading
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:18:27 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104807 (in 99998 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:18:27 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104807 (in 99997 ms)
[EPGC] 3092475 bytes for cache used
action ->  InfobarShowHideActions toggleShow
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:19:42 2011
next real activation is Tue Jan 18 19:19:40 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104882 (in 99997 ms)
action ->  InfobarMenuActions mainMenu
loading mainmenu XML...
TimerEdit TimerEditList
PluginBrowser PluginBrowser
action ->  OkCancelActions ok
ParentalControlSetup ParentalControlSetup
action ->  OkCancelActions ok
NetworkSetup NetworkAdapterSelection
InputDeviceSetup InputDeviceSelection
RecordPaths RecordPathsSettings
LanguageSelection LanguageSelection
action ->  OkCancelActions ok
action ->  OkCancelActions ok
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for MountManager
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Manage your network shares...
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for MountManager
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Manage your network shares...
action ->  WizardActions ok
action ->  MsgBoxActions ok
action ->  ShortcutActions red
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:20:07 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104907 (in 99957 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:20:07 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104907 (in 99954 ms)
action ->  ColorActions red
[EPGC] 3090141 bytes for cache used
action ->  OkCancelActions cancel
action ->  OkCancelActions cancel
action ->  OkCancelActions ok
action ->  ColorActions green
[EPGC] 3090141 bytes for cache used
child has terminated
pipes closed
poll: unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 56(16)
child has terminated
pipes closed
poll: unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 56(16)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:21:22 2011
next real activation is Tue Jan 18 19:19:40 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295104982 (in 99997 ms)
child has terminated
pipes closed
poll: unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 56(16)
action ->  WizardActions ok
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:21:47 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295105007 (in 99997 ms)
It's now  Sat Jan 15 16:21:47 2011
[timer.py] next activation: 1295105007 (in 99995 ms)
action ->  WizardActions ok
action ->  MsgBoxActions ok
Console: executing in run 0  the command: /usr/bin/opkg install enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-wirelesslan
child has terminated
pipes closed
poll: unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 56(16)
action ->  WizardActions back
[IMDb] fallback to default translation for Query details from the Internet Movie Database
[IMDb] fallback to default translation for Query details from the Internet Movie Database
[WebInterface] fallback to default translation for Webinterface
[WebInterface] fallback to default translation for Configuration for the Webinterface
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for NetworkBrowser
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Search for network shares
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for MountManager
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Manage network shares
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Mount again
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Attempt to mount shares again
[IMDb] fallback to default translation for Query details from the Internet Movie Database
[IMDb] fallback to default translation for Query details from the Internet Movie Database
[WebInterface] fallback to default translation for Webinterface
[WebInterface] fallback to default translation for Configuration for the Webinterface
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for NetworkBrowser
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Search for network shares
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for MountManager
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Manage network shares
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Mount again
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Attempt to mount shares again
action ->  WizardActions back
action ->  OkCancelActions ok
ParentalControlSetup ParentalControlSetup
action ->  OkCancelActions ok
NetworkSetup NetworkAdapterSelection
InputDeviceSetup InputDeviceSelection
RecordPaths RecordPathsSettings
LanguageSelection LanguageSelection
action ->  OkCancelActions ok
action ->  OkCancelActions ok
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for MountManager
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Manage your network shares...
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for MountManager
[NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Manage your network shares...
[ePopen] command: iwconfig sit0
[EPGC] 3090041 bytes for cache used
child has terminated
pipes closed
self.wlaniface after loading: {'sit0': {'acesspoint': False, 'quality': False, 'signal': False, 'frequency': False, 'essid': False, 'encryption': False, 'bitrate': False}}
poll: unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 56(17)
action ->  WizardActions ok
killing self.WlanConsole
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ActionMap.py", line 66, in action
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ActionMap.py", line 46, in action
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/NetworkSetup.py", line 756, in ok
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pythonwifi/iwlibs.py", line 666, in getStatistics
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pythonwifi/iwlibs.py", line 1119, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pythonwifi/iwlibs.py", line 1130, in update
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pythonwifi/iwlibs.py", line 1023, in iw_get_ext
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pythonwifi/iwlibs.py", line 1010, in _fcntl
IOError: [Errno 122] Operation not supported
(PyObject_CallObject(<bound method NumberActionMap.action of <Components.ActionMap.NumberActionMap instance at 0x2d95b468>>,('WizardActions', 'ok')) failed)
getResolvedKey config.plugins.crashlogautosubmit.sendAnonCrashlog failed !! (Typo??)
getResolvedKey config.plugins.crashlogautosubmit.addNetwork failed !! (Typo??)
getResolvedKey config.plugins.crashlogautosubmit.addWlan failed !! (Typo??)

Re: Open Pli 2.0 wifi configuratie geeft crashlog #2 cb1

  • Member
  • 14 posts


Posted 24 January 2011 - 18:31

Dit probleem heb ik ook en heb ook een topic lopen maar volgens mij heeft dat geen prio.
Ik ben al terug naar 1.0

Gr Cb1

Re: Open Pli 2.0 wifi configuratie geeft crashlog #3 Meega

  • Senior Member
  • 3,000 posts


Posted 24 January 2011 - 18:43

Dat is opgelost in de laatste update.
Letwel met een complete flash.


ET10000+ Openpli 6.1,1m schotel 4x duo-lnb op vaste opstelling.

Momolights teensy 2.0 met 50 leds op een string ,150 channels
DM8000 Openpli 6.1 Release

Re: Open Pli 2.0 wifi configuratie geeft crashlog #4 cb1

  • Member
  • 14 posts


Posted 25 January 2011 - 07:37

Dit ga ik vanavond eens proberen dan.
Als dit werkt dan kan ik eens verder kijken wat de verschillen zijn ten opzichte van 1.0
Word dus vervolgd.

Gr Cb1

Re: Open Pli 2.0 wifi configuratie geeft crashlog #5 cb1

  • Member
  • 14 posts


Posted 26 January 2011 - 21:05

Heb net de box geflashed en hij werkt inderdaad nu.
Direct zonder een plugin te installeren.
Ik heb de versie van vandaag 20110126.

Gr Cb1

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: DM8000

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